Dr. Ray Strand's Medical Minutes

Dr. Ray D. Strand, M.D., graduated from the University of Colorado Medical School and finished his post-graduate training at Mercy Hospital in San Diego, California. He has been involved in an active private family practice for the past thirty-five years. He has focused his practice on nutritional medicine over the past 15 years while lecturing internationally on the subject across the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and Malaysia.

Dr. Strands Published Books
Dr Ray Strand

Dr. Ray Strand, M.D. โ€” Medical Minute Videos

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 91โ€”Weight Loss is a Big Gain when it comes to Knee Osteoarthritis

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 90โ€”Reversing Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 89โ€”Behavioral Support is Effective in Helping Individuals Lose Weight

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 88โ€” Vitamin D Deficiency linked to Alzheimerโ€™s & Dementia

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 87โ€” The Health Benefits of Grape Seed Extract | Part 2

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 86โ€” The Health Benefits of Grape Seed Extract | Part 1

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 85โ€”The Importance of Vitamin K in Osteoporosis and Heart Disease

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 84โ€”Health Benefits of Reishi Mushrooms

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 83 โ€” Vitamin D is in the News Again

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 82 โ€” Supplementing Magnesium Has Benefits

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 81 โ€” Heart Failure and CoQ10

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 80 โ€” Vitamin D 

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 79 โ€” Vitamin C Protects Pregnant Women Who Smoke 

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 76 โ€” High Blood Antioxidant Level Lowers Cataract Risk 

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 75 โ€” Obesity in Children Increases Risk for Heart Disease 

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 74 โ€” American Heart Association Recommended Diet 

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 73 โ€” Reversing Type 2 Diabetes

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 72 โ€” Nutritional Supplements Alter Progression of HIV

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 71 โ€” Vitamin E Helps Delay Decline in Alzheimer's

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 70 โ€” Fewer Than 1% of Children Eat Healthy 

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 69 โ€” Nutritional Medicine

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 68 โ€” Tablets vs. Capsules 

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 67 โ€” Low Vitamin D Level Increases Risk of Autoimmune Disease 

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 66 โ€” Vitamin D can Decrease Your Risk of Cancer 

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 65 โ€” Vitamin D Helps Protect Your Brain 

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 64 โ€” Vitamin D Lowers Risk of Developing Diabetes 

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 63 โ€” Vitamin D Supports Cardiovascular Health 

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 62 โ€” Vitamin D The New Hormone 

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 61 โ€” CoQ10 Protects Mitochondria 

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 60 โ€” The Many Benefits of Omega-3 

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 56 โ€” CoQ10 Relieves Muscle Pain from Statin Drugs 

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 55 โ€” Obesity Fuels Liver Disease 

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 54 โ€” The Risk of Fish Oil in Prostate Cancer 

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 53 โ€” Calcium Supplementation Can Cause Heart Attack 

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 52 โ€” Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 51 โ€” Maternal Folic Acid Supplementation & Autism

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 50 โ€” Obesity and Diabetes 

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 44 โ€” Restoriix 

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 43 โ€” Rejuveniix

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 42 โ€” Omega-Q 

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 41 โ€” The Health Benefits of CoQ10 

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 40 โ€” Vinali Grape Seed Extract 

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 39 โ€” Why I Recommend ARIIX'S Optimals

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 38 โ€” Attracting Health Care Professionals 

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 37 โ€” How To Reduce the Medical Cost of Diabetes 

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 36 โ€” Reflux (GERD-Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) 

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 32 โ€” Vitamin D Supplementation & Pre-Diabetes 

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 31 โ€” Selenium & Prostate Cancer

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 30 โ€” The Host is Key 

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 28 โ€” The Great Clinical Trialโ€ฆYOU 

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 22 โ€” First-Step Therapy 

Dr. Ray Strand Medical Minute 8 โ€” Recommend A 6 Month Trial


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