There are numerous ways and methods on how to increase your metabolism. Metabolism is the set of life-sustaining chemical transformations within the cells of our body. The main purpose of metabolism is to convert food to energy for cellular processes. Simply put, metabolism is a chemical reaction that happens in the body. These reactions keep our body functioning. An increased metabolism burns more calories, gives you more energy and makes you feel better.
Ways on How to Increase Your Metabolism
Eat Right. Eat Enough. – Eating less and getting fewer calories in your body can cause it to lose muscle mass which decreases metabolism. Many people think that eating as few calories as possible is the best solution for weight loss, when in fact it is the opposite.
- Drink Green Tea – Green tea gives your body a major metabolism boost. Green tea contains catechins, an antioxidant that helps trigger the release of fat from cells and also helps the liver in turning fat into energy.
- Take your workout to the next level – Interval training is the best way to increase your metabolism. You can do aerobic exercise, running, or biking aside from your regular weights and cardio workout.
- Use extra virgin olive oil – The body needs dietary fat and healthy oils in order to function properly. The right kinds of fat and oils will help control and suppress hunger, and increase your metabolism. Olive oil can help the body burn calories. Aside from this, olive oil is packed with antioxidants that can help fight and prevent diseases such as cancer.
Have some egg yolks. – While it is true that egg whites are low in calories, high in protein and fat-free, eating the whole egg is another way on how to increase metabolism to lose weight. The egg yolk has nutrients, vitamins, and essential fatty acids that help increase your metabolism.
- Drink full-fat milk. – Studies show that consuming milk can help your body metabolize fat more efficiently.
- Eat enough protein every day. – You burn more calories if you have more muscle, no matter what you are doing. Exercise and workout help you build muscle but you also need to eat lots of protein to help your body increase your metabolism.
- Choose whole grains. – The body exerts more effort in breaking down whole grains compared to refined and processed grains. You can help your body on how to increase your metabolism by eating foods that the body should work harder to digest. You can go for whole feeds that are rich in fiber.
- Eat garlic – Recent studies show that garlic helps in blood-sugar metabolism and helps control lipid levels in the blood. Aside from that, garlic can help boost your immune system, fight inflammation, and lower blood pressure.
Eat salmon. – Salmon may be your best option when it comes to fish. Salmon has anti-inflammatory properties and rich in omega-3 fatty acids. It can help the liver in burning more fat, increasing your metabolism.
An apple a day goes a long way. – Consuming an apple each day can help prevent metabolic syndrome. This is a condition that is associated with abdominal fat, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.
- Eat yogurt as a snack. – Yogurt contains probiotics that help good bacteria in the digestive system process food more efficiently. It is also a good source of protein and calcium.
- Eat avocado. – Avocado contains metabolism-enhancing fat. It is also high in fiber and contains best antioxidants that help fight free radicals.
- Eat cheese. – Cheese is satisfying, inexpensive, and is packed with vitamins and minerals such as calcium, vitamin D, and protein. It can help maintain metabolism and help burn calories more efficiently.
- Eat broccoli. – Calcium and vitamin C found in broccoli are a perfect pair to boost metabolism. Not only that, it also has fibers that have been shown to increase your metabolic rate.
How to Increase Your Metabolism using a Supplement: MOA
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To Maintaining Good Health,
The ARIIX Products Team
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