OMEGA-Q — Heart Brain Function

{supports} Heart & Brain Function through a balanced combination of essential fatty acids and CoQ10

Omega-Q is a unique blend of essential omega fatty acids and the coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), two of the most potent ingredients for initiating and sustaining overall health, starting at the cellular level. This balanced combination supports heart and brain function and overall well-being.

Unbeatable Quality – Coenzyme Q-10

A balanced combination of essential fatty acids and CoQ-10, containing the highest quality Omega fatty acids, has been shown to improve heart health, brain function, and overall well-being.

The only United States Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) certified oils in the United States, harvested from the world’s most tightly regulated natural fisheries, greatly reducing risk of contaminates.

U.S. FDA-notified GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) status.

Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil directly linked to healthy immune, cardiovascular and neurological systems.

It benefits heart and brain health by providing beneficial nutrients EPA and DHA.

Premium-quality CoQ10 and Omega-3 fatty acids are life-essential nutrients. They play complementary roles in human health, aiding in average growth and development while also acting as building blocks for cells in vital organs.

OMEGA-Q — Heart Brain Function 1
ARIIX Seal of Approval
ARIIX Omega-Q Supplement Facts
OMEGA-Q — Heart Brain Function 2

Omega-Q FAQs

Q: What is Omega-Q?
Omega-Q is a unique blend of essential Omega fatty acids and the coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), two of the most powerful ingredients on earth for initiating and sustaining healthy brain, heart, and cellular functions.

Q: What does it do?
This balanced combination helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels, supports the heart, and is an important factor in preserving mental function by protecting brain cells, eye, skin, and lung function and promoting improved bone, muscle, and nerve health.

Q: What are the key ingredients?
The body needs a key substance to function because every cell needs it to create energy. CoQ10 also helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels, supports the heart, and is important in preserving mental function by protecting brain cells. Because levels of CoQ10 naturally decrease with age, it is vital to supplement your diet with additional CoQ10 to maintain healthy, optimal levels.*
Omega fatty acids:
Present in fish oils have been lauded by numerous studies for supporting and maintaining healthy cholesterol levels, brain function, and reproductive health. Since omega-3 fatty acids cannot be sustained in the body, it is also important to supplement your diet with omega-3 regularly.*

Q: Why did ARIIX combine C0Q10 with Omega-3 fatty acids?
 Both CoQ10 and Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for heart health. Combining Omega Q with ARIIX's Optimals provides all the essential nutrients necessary for overall heart health. The Optimals contain essential antioxidants, supporting B vitamins, and so-called antioxidant minerals. Omega Q contains essential omega-3 fatty acids and CoQ10, also necessary for optimal heart health. If you have a history of heart disease in your family or are concerned about heart disease, it's a good idea to take Omega Q along with The Optimals.

Q: What are the health benefits of consuming Omega Q?
Almost all of us experience excessive inflammation in our bodies. Our bodies require natural inflammatory and anti-inflammatory abilities to protect and heal the body; however, these need to be balanced. Omega-6 fatty acids result in natural inflammatory products that support our bodies. Omega-3 fatty acids provide anti-inflammatory results. The typical American diet is nearly a 1:40 ratio with too many Omega-6 fatty acids and too little Omega-3. The optimal goal needs to be closer to a 1:1 or 1:2 ratio, decreasing intake of Omega-6 and increasing Omega-3. Taking Omega Q, which contains Omega-3 fatty acids daily, effectively increases the body's natural anti-inflammatory products and brings everything back into balance.

Q: Why is CoQ10 important for the heart?
CoQ10 is responsible for more than 90% of energy production within every cell in the body. However, adequate levels of CoQ10 are essential in cells that require higher energy production, such as the heart muscle. Since CoQ10 levels decline with age, it is essential to begin supplementing your diet with CoQ10 for overall health, especially heart health. Adding Omega Q to your Optimals is a great way to provide all the essential nutrients to support your heart's health.

Q: Do I need to add BioPro Q to my nutritional supplementation regime if I already take Omega-Q?
We view Omega Q, along with the Optimals, as essential nutrients that everyone should consider taking. Biopro Q is a potent enhancer for those individuals who desire to optimize their levels of CoQ10 within their body. CoQ10 is a potent antioxidant; however, it is also responsible for more than 90% of energy production within every cell in the body. Omega Q provides enough CoQ10 for an individual in good health and desires to provide the essential levels of CoQ10 for the body. However, if you need additional CoQ10, adding Biopro Q is the best option.

Q: If I eat a lot of cold-water fish, do I need to be taking Omega Q?
Eighty percent of the population eats a diet deficient in Omega-3 fatty acids and should supplement with Omega Q. However, if you are eating a diet high in cold-water fish and other sources of Omega-3 fatty acids, you may not need to be taking Omega Q. One thing to note, however, is another beneficial ingredient in Omega Q called CoQ10, an important nutrient for heart, brain, and immune health. Both Omega Q and Biopro Q (which also contain CoQ10) are supplement choices that can help you ensure adequate levels of CoQ10 in your diet.
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