Do you want to boost your health? Just eat healthy fruits.

Fruits are not questionable. There is no harm in eating fruits. There are so many fruits that can help you improve your health. They have their own nutrition level for your body.
Did you hear the word Superfood, how about Superfruits? But of course, not all are pass to the criteria as Superfruits. When you mean “super” it means that they have this high nutrition level and complete vitamins included. Nutrition as fiber, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and other nutrients that can help prevent diseases and can help you live longer.
Buy and eat fresh fruits only. Experts studied that eating five to nine portions of vegetables and fruits a day can boost your health in a different level.
Below are some fruits that have in common. Common means they are all the healthy fruits out there. Experts ranked them based on their nutrition level, the power to block diseases and vitamins you can get. Mostly berries and citrus.
1. Grapefruit
Grapefruit is one of the healthiest fruits out there. This is known as one of the best when it comes to weight loss. Experts say that people who eat grapefruits before meal can reduce 1.3 kg compared to those who didn’t.
Grapefruit is a good source of vitamins and minerals that are known for its ability to reduce insulin resistance and reduce excess fats. It is also good to reduce cholesterol level to help prevent kidney stones. This is highly nutritious and one of the most healthy fruits.
2. Orange
Orange is one of the most popular and most healthy fruits in the world. When you hear “citrus”, you can think of orange first. Orange is a good source of Vitamin B such as thiamone and folate. And very known that has a significant amount of Vitamin C.
It is also rich in flavonoids, which have anti-inflammatory properties and strong antioxidant effects. It can reduce stroke risk for women and kidney stones.
3. Watermelon
Watermelon is very rich in Vitamins A and C. Expert says that watermelon can help reduce the risk of cancer. A study shows that it contains some antioxidants that known as anti-cancer effects. Not only that, it can reduce cholesterol and blood pressure also.
Out of all the fruits out there, watermelon is the most hydrating fruit that is best to eat every day. It contains 92% of water.
4. Guava
Do you know that eating just one ounce i.e 28 gms of guava can give you 110% RDI for Vitamin C? That’s how nutritious the guava is. Not only that, it is also rich in fiber, copper, manganese and Vitamin A. One of the best in guava is, it contains antioxidants that can help you reduce the risk of chronic disease and colon cancer.
5. Lemon
Known for its high Vitamin C, lemon is always used for reducing weight. You can mix it with green tea or ginger tea. Citric acid in lemon can help treat kidney stones. Researchers said that if you rank it, Lemon is one of the most nutritious and healthy fruits in the world.
6. Apple
Most of the kids, Apple is their favorite fruit. It contains a lot of Vitamin K, C, B and fibre. It can help reduce the risk of Alzheimers and diabetes. Apple is the best also to improve digestion and metabolic health.
7. Mango
Favorite fruit of all ages is Mango. With the source of Vitamin C, it helps reduce any diseases such as diabetes. It also contains fiber with antioxidants and has inflammatory effects.
This one of the most nutritious fruits that are enjoyed by all ages.
8. Banana
Banana is high in minerals and vitamins and can get health benefits from it. Banana is very well known as being rich in potassium. One of the health benefits is it also contains pectin that can improve blood sugar control. It is good for digestive health also. If the person has difficulty to walk, one of the main reasons is because of lack in potassium.
9. Avocado
By definition, avocado is different from other fruits. It is low in carbs and comprised of healthy fats. It can also help reduce inflammation for a better heart health.
10. Pineapple
Pineapple is the best to eat daily. It also has the ability to digest protein and it contains bromelain. Bromelain helps to prevent cancer and tumor growth.
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