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Zinc Foods That You Might Not Be Aware Of

There are plenty of Zinc foods that you probably were eating every day during breakfast, lunch or dinner. However, you weren’t aware that it contained Zinc. Well, what does zinc actually do for us? Read more below.

Zinc is simply found in cells all over the body. It is essential for various processes in the body’s immune system. It plays a role in cell division, wound healing and cell growth. It also aids with the breaking down of carbohydrates.

Lack of zinc can lead to frequent infections, loss of hair, poor appetite and issues with sense of taste. To add, skin sores also arise, issues on seeing in the dark and delay of healing of the wounds.

With those said, it is important that we acquire such mineral from high zinc foods. Not only are they abundant on such mineral, these foods come along with different vitamins as well. Below is a list of high zinc foods that you can add to your everyday meals.

High zinc foods

Beef is not only rich with zinc but it has a high number of protein as well. It is also packed with B12 which is a vitamin that aids in keeping the body’s nerve and blood cells healthy. It also has features of alleviating symptoms of PMS due to its B vitamin riboflavin component.

Cashew nuts have healthy fats in them. They also bring folate which is a B vitamin that aids in the production of new cells. It also has vitamin K, this vitamin is specifically important for blood clotting. These nuts have a good number of iron content in them.

Chickpeas contain a good number of protein, fiber, and healthy fats. All of which contributes to the process of weight loss and maintaining a good weight. Protein makes the muscles stronger; fiber makes the person feel more fuller when eating and healthy fats can lower the risk of heart diseases and stroke.

Another food to increase levels of zinc is by eating chicken. Not only is chicken a good source of protein, but it is rich with vitamin B6. That vitamin is essential normal brain function and estrogen metabolism.

Garlic offers good levels of naturally occurring zinc. This food is easy to add in any meal eaten. Garlic has features of detoxifying hazardous metals in the body as well. It contains good numbers of manganese, vitamin B6, C, and selenium.

Pumpkin seeds have really high numbers of zinc in them. They also help in lowering the risk of acquiring prostate cancer. Pumpkin seeds support a healthy immune system.

Oatmeal is part of any nutritional diet or meal by people. Why? Because of its content and what it can do the body. It has low fat but high in folate, fiber and potassium. It also has features of reducing the levels of cholesterol.

Kidney beans have both soluble and insoluble fiber in them. Both of which can help the digestion of the body go smoothly. It has features of protein and fiber that can aid in preventing blood sugar levels to spike.

Another nuts in this list would be almonds. They are high in magnesium, omega 3-s and vitamin E. It has components of an antioxidant that protects the eyes and improves immunity.

To Maintaining Good Health,

The ARIIX Products Team
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