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What Is Vitamin D: Things To Know About It

What Is Vitamin D: Things To Know About It
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What is vitamin D?

what is vitamin dwhat is vitamin dSo, what is Vitamin D that we heard about for so many times? Vitamin D is present in some foods and supplements that are out in the market. One of its major functions is to regulate the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. It also facilitates a normal immune system function.

Having good amounts of the vitamin in the body is vital for normal growth and development of bones and teeth. It also improves resistance to specific diseases.

If your body lacks vitamin D, the risk of acquiring or developing bone complications is high. If you have low numbers of this vitamin, it can lead to soft and fragile bones.

For some professionals, they don’t consider vitamin D as a vitamin but a pro-hormone. This is due to the body’s ability to produce its the vitamin via the help of sunlight on the skin. Sun exposure on the skin around 15 minutes can increase the numbers of the vitamin in the body. An interesting fact about this vitamin is that it only has a lifespan of two weeks in the body.

How is vitamin D produced in the body?

It is produced by the body when sunlight is then turned to cholesterol on the skin into vitamin D3. This specific vitamin is then converted into calcidiol in the liver. The kidney aids in the conversion of calcidiol into the active form of vitamin D named calcitriol.

Few benefits of vitamin D

The benefits of the vitamin include reducing the risk of having various sclerosis. It aids in decreasing of developing heart complications and it helps in lowering the risk of acquiring flu.

Some studies have shown that this vitamin is essential to the role of regulating the mood of the person. It helps in warding off depression as well. In some studies, its researchers have found that people who experience depression and has received the vitamin have improved with their condition.

Anxiety also manifests in people who lack such vitamin.

Having this as a supplement can aid in a healthy diet if you are aiming to lose weight.

Such vitamin is important in supporting a healthy heart health as well. Some studies have shown that vitamin D can help improve the condition of the heart.

Food sources of the vitamin

what is vitamin d - sourcesOnly a few foods contain vitamin D. That is why people choose to go with supplements that give out good numbers of such vitamins. Fortified foods are the ones that give out the most in the body.

Fatty fish like salmon, tuna, and mackerel are excellent sources of the vitamin. They give out high numbers of vitamin D and other essential nutrients that the body needs.

Beef liver, egg yolks and cheese gives fairly good amounts of the vitamin in the body.

Milk is also a great source of the vitamin as well. Along with that, milk typically comes with high numbers of calcium which greatly benefits the body, specifically the bones. It aids in the mineralization and it helps in making them stronger.

A supplement with vitamin D: Magnical-D by Nutrifii

Magnical-D by NutrifiiAs mentioned earlier, vitamin D is not present in most foods in the market. Therefore people choose to go with supplements.

Magnical-D by Nutrifii supports bones and muscles via a strengthening blend of calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D.

Calcium is a vital element for strong bones and teeth. But in order for the body to utilize calcium properly, it needs vitamin D3, magnesium, and vitamin K2.

Vitamin D3 is vital for calcium absorption while magnesium aids in the regulation of calcium transport and is important to the mineralization of bones as well. Vitamin K2 is key to unlocking the door that sends nutrients from the blood to bones.

All these essential elements are present in this supplement. To see and read more of the product, click Magnical-D by Nutrifii.

To Maintaining Good Health,

The ARIIX Products Team
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