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What is ubiquinol?


Since about eight years ago, majority of health conscious consumers started to use ubiquinol after it was made available commercially, owing to its health benefits. However, some people do not really know what is ubiquinol and why it is so important to the body.

Learning about Ubiquinol

Ubiquinol, a critical component of cellular respiration, is a reduced form of Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), an enzyme that the cells in our body used for energy production and helps protect the body against cellular damage from free radicals.

Coenzyme Q10, which is very important because it supports longevity, has already been available for many decades but ubiquinol, its reduced version and by far the most effective alternative, was made available in the market only about eight years ago, though it was already used by scientists years before for research studies. So, what is ubiquinol all about is not anymore a guessing game with these studies being presented.

Coenzyme Q10 have to be converted into its reduced form, which is ubiquinol, for it to be effective. People below 25 years old have the natural capability to convert CoQ10 into the reduced form. However, as people grow in age, this natural ability will significantly reduce, which will also consequently reduce the person’s level of energy.

Factors affecting ubiquinol conversion

Aside from age, the natural conversion of CoQ10 into ubiquinol will also be affected by other factors such as oxidative stress, effects of some illnesses and diseases, increased metabolic demand, and changes in a person’s genes that are related to age.

When the body can no longer convert the oxidized CoQ10 into ubiquinol, dietary supplements is often recommended by physicians. But doctors strongly recommend taking ubiquinol instead of CoQ10 because it is absorbed more by the body thus it is more effective.

There are more than 100 research studies conducted on ubiquinol that support its positive effects, particularly its effect on the body’s inflammatory processes, septic shock that is associated with mitochondrial dysfunction, cardiac arrest, stroke recovery and periodontal disease such as gingivitis and dry mouth.

Ubiquinol is a potent antioxidant and a lipid-soluble material that is biosynthesized in the blood. It is carried into the blood by the lipid cholesterol thus ubiquinol works to lower the level of the “bad” cholesterol.

What is ubiquinol to ordinary folks?

But what is ubiquinol to us ordinary people? This simple enzyme may be hard to pronounce nor difficult to understand, but one thing is sure, it is very important to our body’s cellular life. If we don’t have enough ubiquinol in the body, we will not have the energy to do the things we want to do every day. And when this happens, diseases and illnesses will start to occur.

But perhaps the most important visible effect if we don’t have enough ubiquinol in our body is that, we will age fast. This explains why even people who are only 25 years old already experience having wrinkles on their face.

BioPro-Q is an excellent source of CoQ10, which is essential for the body’s natural production of cellular energy, and is also a powerful antioxidant. Click Here to take a closer look at BioPro-Q.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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