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What Is CVD And A Few Different Types

What is CVD?

CVD is the abbreviated term for cardiovascular disease. It is a general term that describes a disease or condition of the heart or the blood vessels. Blood that flows through the heart, brain or other organs can be reduced in number due to a blood clot or buildup of fatty acids in an artery.

Names of different heart diseases

Under cardiovascular disease, there are four major types of it. This includes:

Coronary heart disease

Coronary heart disease happens when the flow of oxygen filled blood goes to the heart is hindered or blocked due to fatty substances in the coronary arteries.

The coronary arteries are major blood vessels that give the heart with blood. When they are narrowed due to the fatty substances, the blood supply going to the heart would be limited. With this situation, this can result in chest pain. Blocking the artery immediately causes a heart attack.

Peripheral arterial disease

This disease is also known as the peripheral vascular disease, which occurs when there is a hindrance in the arteries going to the person’s limbs. The most usual symptom of the peripheral arterial disease is experiencing pain in the legs while walking. This is usually felt in the thigh region, calves or hips.

Different types of heart diseases


This type of CVD is considered as a serious medical condition that happens when the brain does not receive good amounts of blood. Just like any organ in the body, the brain needs the constant supply and also good numbers of oxygen and blood for it to do its part effectively. The blood in the body greatly helps the brain to function well. If blood doesn’t circulate going to the brain, brain cells begin to die. This then can lead to brain damage and can also lead to death.

Aortic disease

The aorta is the largest blood vessel in the body. It brings blood from the heart to the rest of the body. The most usual type of aortic disease is an aortic aneurysm. With that specific condition, the wall found in the aorta tends to be more fragile and also bulges outwards. This then can let the person feel chest pain and also back pain.

Risk factors of CVD

Smoking is top in this list for many people develop different heart complications due to this act. The time a person stops smoking can drastically lower the risk of acquiring heart disease. By quitting such act, the body now can improve damaged parts of it.

Everyone knows high blood pressure relates to complications in the body. To counter this condition, eating healthy foods and doing a good physical activity can help in lowering blood pressure. Moreover, a change of lifestyle can aid as well. Quitting smoking and
drinking less alcohol can lower blood pressure.

Overweight can lead to different diseases in the body, especially to the heart. Overweight makes the person tend to acquire coronary heart disease. Being overweight means one is having complications with blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and also diet.

A supplement that supports the heart

Vinali by Nutrifii greatly supports the heart, eyes, skin and lungs of the user. It contains powerful antioxidants in the body that give out anti-aging effects.

Having vitamin C and also grape seed extract can work synergistically in giving powerful antioxidants which can greatly affect the health of the immune system.

Vinali gives an excellent source of vitamin C which can improve collagen production in the dermis. It aids in lightening up the brown spots caused by the sun and improves the overall appearance of damaged skin. Most notably, Vinali helps support cardiovascular health.

To read and know more of the product, click Vinali by Nutrifii.

To Maintaining Good Health,

The ARIIX Products Team
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