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What Is Chlorella And What Are Its Benefits?

what is chlorella

What is Chlorella:

First, you might wonder what is chlorella. Chlorella is an algae that thrives in fresh water. The algae has been present even millions of years ago. It was said that it was the first plant that has a defined nucleus in it.  With having such green feature, some researchers state that this algae has the highest levels of chlorophyll of all plants.

Benefits of Chlorella:

Chlorella is frequently promoted in the market due to its health benefits. It has the ability to boost ones energy and absorbs pesticides from foods. It can lessen the risk of cancer, reduce infection and regulates both blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It can also cleanse the blood and the digestive system.

The algae has can boost the immune system as well. It aids in fighting off infections in the body. It can increase numbers of good bacteria in the GI tract. This then helps in treating illnesses from ulcer to Cronh’s disease. Since it can do wonders in the GI tract, it can aid with constipation as well.

For some cases, chlorella is applied to the skin. This is done for it has the potential to lessen skin ulcers, rashes and issues due to radiation treatments.

Chlorella also has the ability to stick with unwanted metals in our body. It binds itself to lead, mercury and uranium found in our system. With such feature, it can help in detoxing heavy metals and toxins out of our body.

In some researches and studies, chlorella can help with weight loss. Having such algae in the system can reduce body fat percentage and regulate total cholesterol.

It can make signs of aging lessen. This is due to its components of having vitamin A and C in the body. This then helps in eliminating free-radicals in the body and protects the cells from it. Damaged cells or destroyed cells due to free-radicals are what makes the wrinkles appear in the skin.

Components of the algae:

Since we’ve defined what is chlorella, most people would ask on what is in this algae. How come it can do so much in the body? Chlorella has essential amino acids to give in the body. It is a good source of fatty acids as well. Such fatty acids are vital to functions such as hormone balancing. It also houses high levels of chlorophyll, RNA and DNA.

The algae contains various vitamins and minerals. To name a few are, calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron. It has vitamins from vitamin A to E and K.

Chlorella as a supplement

One of the well known forms of chlorella in the market is via a supplement form. It is an all natural supplement that helps with your energy levels, promotes fat loss and aids with detoxifying heavy metals. The algae is even considered as part of the superfoods due to its various benefits to the body. Not only that, but it was considered as such because of the vitamins and nutrients that it houses.

Restoriix by Nutrifii is a supplement that has the blend of chlorella, zeolites and other superfoods. The product aims to support detoxification and healthy pH levels. 

Having zeolite in the body offers a safe and non toxic answer to heavy metal imbalance.

The product contains chia seeds as well. If you’ve spent some time around the nutritional market, you would have heard about the wonders of these seeds. They contain omega 3 fatty acids and fiber. It can also act as an antioxidant to the body’s system. These seeds deserve the praises that it gets from people.

The product contains activated charcoal of willow tree bark as well It acts as a sponge for it attracts unwanted substances and escorts them out of the body.

All in all, it is a natural cleansing supplement that removes free radicals and heavy metals in the body. It also gives a boost to the overall wellness of the immune system.

To know more of the product, click Restoriix by Nutrifii.

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