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What Is A Cataract: Things You Need To Know

What Is A Cataract: Things You Need To Know

What is a cataract?

A cataract is when the clouding of the lens in the eye makes it harder for a person to see. As the person grows older, he or she is becoming more prone to such illness.

In addition, most types of cataracts have a high correlation to old age. They are the most common vision problems that are suffered by people when over the age of 40. There are more people who have cataracts compared to others who have glaucoma and macular degeneration.

Such problem happens when protein is built up in the lens of the eye, thus making a cloudy appearance. In such situation, the light is prevented from passing clearly via the lens which causes loss of vision.

Types of cataracts

Traumatic cataracts –  A person who suffers an eye/s injury may develop a cataract.

Age –related cataracts – This is the most common of the types. Cataracts form due to old age.

Congenital cataracts – This is when babies are born with cataracts because of injury or poor development prior to them being born.

Secondary cataracts – This is developed due to medical conditions such as diabetes, too much exposure to hazardous substances and UV rays.

Symptoms of cataracts

Causes of this vision problem

You can locate the lens behind the iris and the pupil. The lens is responsible for the eye’s focus where it lets the person see things clearly whether it would be far or near.

This lens is filled with water and protein. The protein in it is in a specific arrangement for the light to pass through it.

As the person ages, the protein may “cloud” the lens. This is the start of a cataract. Through time, this cataract is able to grow larger thus clouding a bigger part of the lens.

How to lower the risk of acquiring a cataract?

Cataracts along with some of the vision problems are related to old age. Regularly examine the eyes because it’s beneficial. This can help in early detection and prevention. With early detection of a development leading to a cataract, too much vision problem won’t be experienced if treated immediately.

Some take in good diets that are rich in vitamin E and lutein. Other vitamins that complement those two can support a healthy vision and eyes.

Supplement supporting the eyes: Optimal-V by Nutrifii

Optimal-V by Nutrifii is a supplement that greatly supports the major organs in the body. The supplement promotes a healthy heart, skin, lungs and eyes. It does this through a comprehensive spectrum of vitamins and antioxidants.

Vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants are important when it comes to achieving and maintaining optimal nutrient levels and the overall health. According to the FDA, nearly everyone can benefit from taking quality natural health supplements.

Optimal – V supports the vision of the user for it contains vitamins and minerals for doing so. It has beta-carotene, vitamin C, E, zinc, and lutein which are all important in supporting the maintenance of a healthy vision.

The supplement supports the heart and lungs via vitamin B and E. Both are accompanied with quality antioxidants that work together with the user’s diet in supporting a healthy cardiovascular system. Antioxidants, when partnered with vitamin C, E, and carotenoids, can greatly support healthy pulmonary and respiratory function.

To read and see more of the product, click Optimal-V by Nutrifii.

To Maintaining Good Health,

The ARIIX Products Team
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