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Vitamin D Food Sources – Everything Under the Sun

Vitamin D Food Sources - Everything Under the Sun

vitamin d food sourcesJust like any other vitamins, Vitamin D is an essential part of one’s well-being, thus vitamin D food sources should be known. It is an important component in calcium and phosphorus absorption. It helps maintain these minerals’ blood levels and ensure that they are absorbed well by the bones. Vitamin D is vital in making bone structures strong and healthy. Vitamin D is unique in a way because it can be made directly by the body thru merely sunlight exposure. Other vitamins can’t by made by the body itself because other vitamins can be acquired thru supplements like foods, etc. It’s good to expose yourself daily to the sunlight for about 10 minutes in midday sun. There have been recent studies that show Vitamin D as a treatment for chronic diseases such as depression and cancer which is definitely good news.

Vitamin D has certain types (D2 & D3) as well, which can help prevent children and adults from acquiring certain diseases. Ricket’s is a type of disease in children that make the bones weak and soft due to Vitamin D deficiency. In adults, Osteomalacia (weakening of bones and muscles), is the most common disease they get when they lack Vitamin D. Most of all, it’s best to be informed about what to eat for vitamin D so that these can be prevented. Here are some Vitamin D food sources that you can eat or do to prevent Vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D Food Sources


Fortified milk is a great source of vitamin D. A glass can contain at least 100 IU of Vitamin D. It’s also best to check the label to ensure that the milk is definitely containing Vitamin D.

Orange Juice

If you’re lactose intolerant or just merely not a dairy fan, you can go for fortified orange juice. This is one of the most unexpected vitamin D food sources. Some orange juice contains Vitamin D which can help in calcium absorption. Just like milk, you need to check the juice carton for the label and see if it is fortified with Vitamin D.


Egg yolks are great sources of vitamin D. For added nutrition, it is advisable to eat the whole egg. Moreover, egg yolks are readily available and are easier to prepare as well.


Nowadays, cereals are already fortified with Vitamin D. You can definitely get your daily dose from this yummy breakfast meal. Together with milk, it can be a great source of the vitamin for the day. You need to make sure, though, to check if it contains vitamin D before buying it.

Fatty Fish

Fishes like salmon and mackerel are great food sources of Vitamin D. A salmon fillet can contain about 450 IU of Vitamin D which cannot get from any other fishes. Your local farmer’s market sells these kinds of fishes. Furthermore, this is one of the best sources of vitamin D. You can even shop for other healthy options while you’re at it.

Canned Fish

For a cheaper alternative, canned fish such as tuna and sardines, are food sources that are fortified with Vitamin D.  Also, because of it’s longer service life, you can definitely store a lot of this for your future meals.


There are a couple of mushrooms that contain Vitamin D which you can use as your daily food supplement. Checking the label of pre-packed mushrooms can help you choose the one that has the D vitamin.


If sun exposure is not an option, Vitamin D supplements are also an alternative to getting your daily Vitamin D needs. Supplements are also like vitamins that you need to take every day for you to get your Vitamin D needs. Also, check if the Vitamin D content of these supplements is enough for your daily needs.

Magnical-D by Nutrifii

Magnical-D by Nutrifii is a supplement packed with vitamin D3, Magnesium, and vitamin K2, hence, helps in the optimum usage of Calcium in the body. The product contains a premium blend of calcium citrate and calcium malate, which are notably more absorbable by the body.

It  contains the most bioavailable kind of magnesium which can better help in Vitamin D absorption. Also, because of Vitamin C’s role in Vitamin D absorption, Magical-D by Nutrifii contains this as well. Magnical-D can be one of the greatest vitamin D food sources.

We present to you Magnical-D, the source of your Vitamin D, the solution for strong bones and muscles!

For more information, click the link below!

Magnical-D by Nutrifi

To Maintaining Good Health,

The ARIIX Products Team
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