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Vegetables High In Calcium: What are the Top 5?

Vegetables High in Calcium: What are the Top 5?

Vegetables high in Calcium

Calcium is an essential nutrient in our body, especially when it comes to maintaining our bone health. A huge percentage of the body’s calcium is stored in our bones and teeth. Consuming food and vegetables high in calcium is recommended to prevent numerous diseases such as osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and others. Calcium is needed not just for bone health, but also for other processes in the body such as blood clotting, hormone secretion, and muscle contraction.

Just like other vitamins and minerals, food rich in calcium is not difficult to find. Most people might think calcium is difficult to find in vegetables. But the truth is, there are a lot of vegetables high in Calcium. Vegans or vegetarians, and meat eaters as well, can consume these calcium rich foods for bones to maintain not just the bone health, but the overall health. And the great thing is, these vegetables high in calcium provide other health benefits aside from providing the essential minerals.

Top 5 vegetables high in calcium

Kale is one of the top vegetables high in calcium. One cup of this vegetable gives you 245mg of calcium. Calcium in kale is also easily absorbed. It also contains other flavonoids that can be a very good antioxidant.

Broccoli is another vegetable high in calcium. How much calcium in broccoli can one get? Consuming one and a half cup of broccoli gives you 93mg of calcium. Aside from calcium, broccoli also has vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, folate and dietary fiber.

Spinach is also a very good source of calcium. This healthful green leafy vegetable contains approximately 56mg per cup. A 100g serving of this vegetable can provide you with 145mg of calcium. Also, spinach contains vitamin C that boosts the immune system. Globally, a lot of people consume this vegetable because of its nutritional benefits.

Another vegetable high in calcium is collard greens. This vegetable has rich amounts of vitamins and minerals. A serving of 1 cup has about 357mg calcium in collard greens.

One of the top vegetables high in calcium is kelp or large seaweeds. This vegetable is not just rich in calcium but is also rich in potassium and iodine. One cup of kelp has about 136mg of calcium.

These vegetables high in calcium may be enough for any vegan, vegetarian, or meat eaters as well. But these are just the top 5 vegetables that are rich in calcium, food good for bones and joints. There are other food sources of calcium, not just vegetables, but also fruits, that can help supplement the body with the daily calcium needs.

A supplementation is also a practical option, that is if you use the right supplement. There are a lot of calcium supplements over-the-counter. But which one fits you best? Which is the right one for you? Because calcium alone cannot be absorbed without magnesium. You should always check if the supplement you have has magnesium because this mineral is essential for the absorption of calcium and help in maintaining your bone health.

The Calcium Supplement That Is Right For You

Determining the adequate amount of Calcium intake on the daily basis is very difficult. It is important that we get what is only enough to ensure healthy body and prevention from diseases.

ARIIX, the global leader in health and wellness developed a food supplement to ensures the ‘right’ amount of Calcium intake plus the advantages of Vitamin D and Magnesium.

MAGNICAL-D is the only Calcium Dietary Supplement that is ‘right’ for you. With the premium blend of vitamin and minerals, this product is the best for its absorbable calcium, bioavailable form of magnesium and the superior capability of Vitamin D.

To read more about the product, click MAGNICAL-D.

To Maintaining Good Health,

The ARIIX Products Team
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