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Top 5 Cholesterol-Lowering Foods that You Didn’t Know About

Top 5 Cholesterol-Lowering Foods that You Didn’t Know About 1

top 5 cholesterol-lowering foodsIf you’re already eating healthy and devouring the top 5 cholesterol-lowering foods that you didn’t know about, then continue. However, for those who are still living the unhealthy way, read on to know more about cholesterol, and what are the foods to eat to prevent it to sky-rocket. Although, you can’t live without cholesterol. We are born with cholesterol in our bodies. Further, cholesterol is essential because our hormones and cells need it to stabilize our body and function properly.

However, because of the rapid increase of fast food chains and junk foods, cholesterol levels of most people have gone up. These are the types of foods that raise cholesterol in the body. Moreover, fast foods like burgers and fries are the some of the foods to avoid with high cholesterol.  An increase in these levels can cause multiple problems for the body. Diseases that are cardiovascular in nature can be caused by the increase in cholesterol levels. Various diets, lifestyles, and foods will work in different ways for different people. It’s best to monitor your cholesterol first before starting a new diet or lifestyle change to compare and see the difference.

Top 5 Cholesterol-Lowering Foods that You Didn’t Know About

Red Wine

Yes! There is another excuse for you to drink to be healthy. Red wine is high in fiber content due to the fact that it’s made from grapes. In addition, red wine can significantly lower cholesterol by 12%. Moreover, in a recent study, it was found out that when individuals consumed the same grape supplement found in red wine, their LDL levels decreased by 9%.


Snacking the right kind of food can help in lowering LDL in the body. The nut is one of the top 5 cholesterol-lowering foods that you didn’t know about. Research shows that people who consumed 1.5 ounces of whole walnuts for snack time had lowered their cholesterol levels by 9%. In addition, cashews and almonds are good options in snacking healthy as well. However, nuts are high in calories so you need to practice portion control when snacking on nuts.


Salmon is one fatty fish that contains a lot of wonderful vitamins. Moreover, salmon is a good source of vitamin D, Vitamin A, and Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are seen to reduce the risk of heart disease, dementia, stroke, and other diseases. In addition, Omega-3 fatty acids are good vessels in lowering cholesterol levels in the body. In conclusion, salmon is one of the foods that lower cholesterol fast.


Changing your morning meal can go long way.  Oats is at the top 5 cholesterol-lowering foods that you didn’t know about. Simply changing your breakfast with about 2 servings of whole grain oats, can lower your LDL significantly.


Chocolate contains antioxidant that can increase HDL (good cholesterol) levels. In a recent study, people who were given cocoa powder in a span of 12 weeks, shown a 25% increase in HDL. In addition, chocolates contain flavonoids that are helpful in decreasing LDL levels. Compared to milk chocolate, cocoa has more than 3 times as many antioxidants. As a result, it prevents blood platelets from sticking together and may even keep arteries unclogged. In addition, chocolate can aid in preventing heart ailments from occurring.

Restoriix by Nutrifii

Restoriix by Nutrifii is a blend of zeolites, chlorella, and various superfoods. Each substance present in it helps in one thing: boosting the overall health of the body. It contains nutrients that fend off toxins and free radicals.

As a result, Restoriix by Nutrifii lessens the percentage of unwanted substances in the body as well. With the help of low cholesterol foods and exercise, a healthier body is definitely achievable.

For more information, click this: Restoriix by Nutrifii

To Maintaining Good Health,

The ARIIX Products Team
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