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Superfruits: How Super Are These Fruits?

Superfruits: How Super Are They?

Superfruits are mostly rare, native fruits that are packed with a lot of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. These superfruits have a wide variety of antioxidants that have a lot of health benefits.

What superfruits do

Superfruits are high in antioxidants and amino acids. It can boost your overall health. These superfruits can also help prevent diseases.

Acai Berry is one of the superfruits. Acai berries are found in the rainforests of Brazil. These berries promote overall health, provide energy and vitality. Acai berry has a very powerful mix of different antioxidants and plant sterols that support the body’s health. It fights free radicals, which promote a healthy aging process. It boosts the body’s immune system, making you less susceptible to diseases. Acai berries also have vitamin C just like blueberries. These berries also contain minerals like copper, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and zinc. Acai berry is also popular for its weight loss benefits.

Mangosteen is the Queen of Fruits in Asia. It has been called as such because of the health benefits it provides. Mangosteen fruit has xanthones that are very good antioxidants. It is low in calories and high in fiber. Mangosteen has a lot of essential nutrients. It helps in controlling your heart rate. It also regulates high blood pressure. The antioxidants found in mangosteen can fight pain, allergies, infection, skin diseases and promotes digestive health.

Maqui Berry is in the list of super fruits. Maqui berries are vibrant, purple berries that are native to some regions in South America. These berries are rich in antioxidants. Anthocyanins are what these antioxidants are called. Maqui berries are used as a natural remedy for various health conditions such as arthritis and high cholesterol. It is also said that maqui berries can reduce the risk of growth of cancer cells in cases of colon cancer. Its anti-inflammatory properties also help in reducing the risk for diabetes and heart diseases. These berries are also said to aid weight loss and fight obesity. It slows down aging and improves skin health. It is also good in detoxification and boosts the immune system.

Sea Buckthorn berries offer a lot of health benefits. These berries are used for treating asthma and chest pain. It also used for treating high cholesterol and prevents circulatory diseases. These berries are high in antioxidants too. It reduces the risk of cancer and lowers the toxic effects of chemotherapy. It balances and improves the immune system. Sea Buckthorn berries also help treat digestive problems like ulcers and reflux diseases. When used as oil, it can be used as a sunblock to prevent sunburn. It can also help heal wounds such as bed sores, burns, and cuts. The seed oil can also be used for treating skin problems like acne, dry skin, dermatitis and skin color changes related to pregnancy. It is also used in cosmetics and anti-aging products.

Goji berries have been used in traditional medicine in China for thousands of years ago. It also called wolfberry. Goji berry is a bright red-orange berry that is popular in Asia. It is high in antioxidants and carotenoids such as beta-carotene and zeaxanthin. These carotenoids play a role in protecting the retina of the eye and support vision. Goji berries are also popular because of its ability to treat common health problems such as diabetes, hypertension and degenerative eye problems. Studies show that taking goji berry juice improves your quality of sleep. It is also one of the fruits to help lose weight.

Superfruits in a supplement

Most of these superfruits are rare and probably hard to find in regular grocery stores. It’s also quite a challenge to look for these organic superfruits. Why go through the hassle of looking for them when you can get these superfruits and more in a supplement? Having supplements that contain the best antioxidants and various vitamins and minerals can only do well to your body. Ariix, the global leader in health and wellness created a product that has all these superfruits and more, to boost your natural energy. 

Rejuveniix by Nutrifii is a supplement that supports energy and mental awareness through an invigorating proprietary boost blend.

This supplement offers a one of a kind array of antioxidants and natural superfruit extracts mixed with energy enhancers. Such unique ingredients are combined to produce an increase of energy without causing a crash or letdown.

To know more of nutritional supplement, click Rejuveniix by Nutrifii.

To Maintaining Good Health,

The ARIIX Products Team
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