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Slenderiix Testimonials from Satisfied Users


An accident has left Lisa Cummings, a tour and river guide, paralyzed from the waist down to her feet, which has left her confined to a wheelchair.

Lisa says after the accident, she has lost much of her independence. She can no longer sit by herself. She cannot even dress herself up.

Slenderiix satisfied users

The life that Lisa has while confined to a wheelchair has made her gain weight.

“The longer I was confined on the wheelchair, the more weight I gained. And as I gained more weight, I’m getting larger and larger that it was already affecting my health enormously. I can hardly breathe. I had difficulty leaning forward and it cost all forms of issues. It was painful looking at myself. I didn’t like myself. I hate looking at myself in the mirror,” she says.

Lisa adds it wasn’t who she wanted to be.

“I was fat. I was overweight,” she says.

While attending a party, Lisa says she had a conversation with her cousin Tommy, who convinced her to try the Slenderiiz weight management program.

Tommy told her he lost over 30 pounds in just four months of using the program.

“He told me to try it. So I started the Slenderiiz system. I got off the food and for the next 30 days, I was eating the things that they recommended. In just 2 ½ months, I lost 45 pounds,” Lisa shares.

The Slenderiiz weight management program is designed by Ariix, the global leader in the health and wellness industry.

Under the program, clients are given these products – Slenderiix and Xceler8, PureNourish Natural, PureNourish Power Boost and PureNourish Beauty Boost.

Slenderiix amazing formula

Slenderiix is a one-of-a-kind homeopathic weight management formula while Xceler8 is for metabolism support and increased energy.

When used together with a signature 1250-calorie program, Slenderiix supports speedy weight loss and allows you to get rid of stubborn belly fat while reducing your chances of getting rebound weight gain.

Slenderiix employs a modernized approach to homeopathy by blending individual proven remedies into one cohesive formula that effectively address all imbalances in the body, all of which contribute to abnormal weight gain.

It was proven in a clinical trial that Slenderiix helps you lose an average of 13 to 16 pounds in just 28 days.

But Lisa says she lost 130 pounds in just over a year.

“Before Slenderiix, I lost so much independence. I can’t sit in bed alone. I was struggling. I couldn’t dress on my own. But when I lost 45 pounds, I am able to sit up in bed by myself. I started to get my independence back and my health is changing. My blood pressure had dropped. I could breathe again,” she says.

Watching her health change, Lisa says she wanted more.

“I wanted to like myself again. I wanted to look in the mirror and love that person again, and find that person. I wanted to eat the foods that I am now eating and falling in love with because I realized how good they are. They are not just good for me but I enjoyed eating them and wasn’t missing anything in my diet. Happiness is coming back into my life. Then as I lost more and more weight, every day got better. In just 7 ½ months, I lost 101 pounds. It was so exciting that I wanted to shout it from the rooftops,” Lisa shares.

She says Slenderiix changed her life.

“The Slenderiiz system helped me lose weight and helped me find myself again. It helped me like myself again. It gave me hope on a daily basis. I lost 130 pounds and 90 inches of body mass in just over a year using the Slenderiiz system. I’m happy and healthy. What more can I ask for?” Lisa says.

If the Slenderiiz weight management program works for Lisa, it will work on you

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