Puritii Water Bottle Filter

Many filters on the market target biological, chemical, or emerging contaminants, but they rarely filter out all three. The Puritii Water Filter uses a proprietary two-part filtration process to filter out biological, chemical, and emerging contaminants. This one-of-a-kind filter also makes drinking water from a straw easy!
What's In Your Water?
Best Water Bottle Filter
Bottled Water
Tap Water

How Our PURITII Water Filter Works?
Many filters on the market target biological, chemical, or emerging contaminants, but they rarely filter out all three. The Puritii Water Filter uses a proven, proprietary two-part filtration process to filter out biological, chemical, and emerging contaminants.
With this proprietary, portable water filtration system, enjoy safe, fresh, clean drinking water without the cost, waste, and potential harmful toxins of bottled or tap water.

Proprietary pleat pack – 3 unique features
- It functions like a net, letting more fresh, clean water through and keeping contaminants out!
- Contains a loose proprietary granular media blend of fine ground coconut carbon and zeolite.
- Releases a positive electrostatic charge - which attracts the negatively-charged microbial and chemical pollutants – acts like a magnet - traps contaminants so they do not pass through.
Meets or exceeds NSF and EPA standards.
- The NSF and EPA have determined which contaminants are most detrimental to our health and set limits for those contaminants BUT it’s not a comprehensive list.
- Puritii filters are tested for a broad spectrum of contaminants.
- The Puritii filter meets or exceeds these standards for microbial and chemical contaminants.
Like drinking water from a straw!
- The proprietary pleat pack allows for more surface area, which allows for a greater flow rate!
- 20% more usable surface area for three times the water flow!
- Antimicrobial
It’s special – but not specialized…
- Many filters on the market target biological, chemical, or emerging contaminants, but they rarely filter out all three.
- The Puritii Water Filter removes
- Chemical, Biological & Emerging Contaminants
What is an emerging contaminant?
“Emerging contaminants” are chemicals detected in global drinking water supplies at trace levels and for which the risk to human health is not yet fully known. They include pharmaceuticals, personal care products, pesticides, herbicides, and endocrine-disrupting compounds.
These pollutants have likely been present in our drinking water as long as people have been using them, but advances in analytical technology and instrumentation have made it possible to detect them now.
Source: https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/guest-blog/emergingcontaminants-taint-drinking-water-supply
Whether you're at home, in the office, or on a mountain trail, water is essential. See how Puritii Water is cleaning things up and providing the safest, cleanest drinking water on the planet.


The PURITII Water Filtration System...
Tapped, an Interesting look at Water...
Puritii Water Filter FAQs
Q: Does the Puritii Water Filter change the pH of water?
A: The Puritii Water Filter slightly raises the pH of the water put into the bottle, but the change is so small that we do not report or claim that the filter produces alkaline water. Alkaline water is a growing trend and may offer some health benefits, but these currently have little scientific backing. Every substance we take into our bodies (food, water, supplements, etc.) has an inherent pH that may be either acidic or basic. Soda, for example, is usually between pH 2-3 and is akin to undiluted vinegar. Most vegetables and fruits have alkaline-forming compounds. To say alkaline water has a health effect above a healthy and pH-appropriate diet is currently scientifically unsupported.
Each organ system within our bodies has an inherent pH and can buffer incoming substances, be they acidic or alkaline. The Puritii Water Filter removes dangerous chemicals, bacteria, and viruses that are common in tap and bottled water while maintaining the original pH (the pH of tap water is regulated to be between 6.5 and 9.5, so your tap water may already be alkaline).
Because we cannot definitively recommend alkaline water from a health standpoint, we have not included that feature in our Puritii Water Filter and do not plan to incorporate it into future product versions.
Q: Does the Puritii water filter meet NSF standards?
A: The EPA and NSF have determined which contaminants are the most detrimental to our health and have set limits for these contaminants. The list is not a comprehensive list - but it is the best recommendation and frame of reference. We test for many more contaminants. You can reference those on our website for the complete list of contaminants we test for. Also, we meet or exceed those standards for the key microbial and chemical contaminants.
Q: Does the Puritii water filter produce "Zero Water?"
A: Zero Water is double distilled water without useful minerals. Distilled water, also known as "hungry water, " attracts minerals from the body to itself, a process known as chelation, and is harmful to the body. Once the water passes through the kidneys, some vital nutrients are expelled, and long-term use can damage mineral deficiency. While Puritii removes harmful chemicals, toxins, heavy metals, and volatile organic compounds, it does not remove these essential minerals, and it, therefore, does not produce what is known as "Zero Water."
Q: Does the Puritii Water Filter take out fluoride?
A: We are testing the fluoride and expect to have the testing results back soon. Check the website often for updated study results.
Q: How does the Puritii water filter work?
A: The functionality of the AquaSpear and ZeoSleeve are incorporated into the loose granular media and are no longer applicable to this new filter. The two-part filtration system includes a proprietary loose granular media, which contains zeolite and fine coconut carbon media blend, and the proprietary pleat pack, which has been engineered to filter out biological, chemical, and emerging contaminants. It does so with an incredible flow rate - as easy as drinking water through a straw.
Q: How do you store the water filter?
A: Unopened Puritii water filters can be stored in an area of low humidity and away from extreme temperatures for up to one year. Used filters must be dried thoroughly and placed in a sealable bag for storage. Inspect the filter before using it again for signs of mold or damage.
Q: How long does the Puritii water filter last?
A: The recommended time to change filters is 60 gallons - or every two months with daily use.
Q: How much water does each Puritii bottle hold with the filter in place?
A: Available in 16-ounce stainless steel or 25-ounce eco-friendly Tritan™ plastic, Puritii water bottles are free of BPAs, BPSs, or any other bisphenols and EA-free. They are leak-proof, dishwasher safe, and perfect for home, office, and on-the-go!
Q: Isn't tap water safe to drink?
A: Tap water can be contaminated with various pollutants that your municipal water program may not be testing for. These contaminants are called "emerging contaminants". For example, did you know that your neighbor's prescriptions could come from your kitchen tap? Many drugs, such as antibiotics and birth control medications, pass virtually unchanged through the human body and end up back in our water supplies. Researchers routinely find dozens of pharmaceuticals in tap water samples and even in our rivers and lakes, including painkillers, antidepressants, 12, and even worse drugs, like methamphetamines and cocaine.
While most people think drinking water from the tap is safe, they don't realize that bacteria and viruses can swim in their drinking glasses, and traces of toxic metals and industrial contaminants are found in nearly every city water system.
Q: It is hard for me to suck water through my water bottle. Is this normal?
A: The good news is it is easy now! The pleat pack's design allows for three times the flow rate of the old one.
Q: What can I filter through my Puritii water filter?
A: Puritii is specifically designed to filter unwanted substances from freshwater sources. It is not meant to filter other liquids, such as coffee, soda, tea, salt water, juice, etc.
Q: What does the Puritii water filter remove?
Bacteria Removal: 99.9999% (including E. coli, Klebsiella, Vibrio cholerae and many more)
Virus Removal: 99.99% (including coronavirus, hepatitis A virus (HAV), poliovirus, and polyomavirus)
Protozoa Removal: 99.99% (including Cyclospora cayetanensis, Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts), and Giardia lamblia)
Parasites Removal: 99.99% (including Ascaris lumbricoides, Schistosoma mansoni, Dracunculus medinensis, and many more)
Chemical Reduction: Activated coconut shell carbon reduces chemical residues such as: waterborne chemicals, pesticides, VOCs, chemical pollutants, radioactive substances, medical residues, and heavy metals
Q: What is the "pleat pack," and what does it do?
A: It functions much like a net that keeps out the contaminants—and it's a much bigger net than the old filter. This net basically keeps the contaminants from getting through the filter. One other unique aspect of the filter is that it emits a positive electrostatic charge, which attracts the negatively charged microbial and chemical impurities, acting much like a magnet to trap these contaminants in the filter media. This filter is also antimicrobial.
Q: Why did the water look cloudy the first time I used it?
A: You may notice fine carbon dust only after your first use of the filter. This dust is completely safe and harmless to ingest and is part of the filter design. It comes from the proprietary media blend of zeolite and fine ground coconut carbon.
Q: Are the water bottles dishwasher safe?
A: Puritii plastic bottles are made of low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and are top-rack dishwasher-safe. The stainless steel bottles are also top-rack dishwasher-safe.
Q: Is the Puritii Plastic Bottle BPA-free?
A: The Puritii Plastic Bottle is BPA-free. We use only ABS and olefin-based plastics and medical-grade silicone for water contact parts. All of these materials are also free of known estrogen-mimicking compounds. The Puritii Stainless Steel Bottle is made of LDPE (low-density polyethylene), the cap is PP (polypropylene), the valve is silicone, and the filter is made of ABS (used in piping systems).
Q: My water bottle is spilling out the top. What do I do?
A: When drinking from your bottle, do not tip it upside down. The Puritii water bottles are not designed to be tipped upside down. Keep it upright, and the straw will bring the water through the filter like normal.
Q: Is it safe to boil the Puritii water bottle?
A: Because the water bottles contain plastic, we do not recommend boiling them; however, the Puritii water bottles are top-rack dishwasher safe.
Q: After filtering, a test revealed there are still substances in my water. Why is this?
A: Our filters work to remove harmful substances like toxins and chemicals while leaving behind beneficial minerals for optimal health. These minerals are what is showing up on your test.
Q: Are the Puritii water filters recyclable?
A: The Tritan filter is not recyclable because it is made up of too many components; however, the new filter saves over 450 plastic water bottles per unit. Both Puritii bottles are reusable and recyclable.
Q: Can I filter ocean water with the Puritii water filter?
A: The Puritii filter was specifically designed to filter fresh water, not salt water.
*SOURCE: https://ariix.zendesk.com/
ABSTRACT/EXEC SUMMARYPuritii Water Filters were challenged with microbiological (bacteria, virus and cryptosporidium oocyst analog) and chemical (inorganic, pesticides, VOCs et. al.) contaminants. The Puritii Water Filter removed greater than 99.95% of all microbiological contaminants, with the greatest reduction (>99.9999%) in the bacterial model.
This study measured the effectiveness of the Puritii Water Filter in removing microbiological and chemical contaminants from water. The study was conducted by an ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accredited laboratory.
STUDY DESIGN: This study used a vacuum trap to draw water through the filter at a pressure of 3.4–3.6 inches of mercury. Ten liters of General Test Water (consisting of dechlorinated municipal water adjusted to NSF P231 guidelines) were drawn through each filter to condition it. Following the conditioning of the filters, three (3) filters were used for each of the following contaminant categories:
• Microbiological, including bacteria, viruses and fluorescent microspheres
• Inorganic (heavy metals, nitrates, copper, fluoride)
• Pesticides and Volatile Organic Carbon (VOC) compounds
• Additional Chemicals (Free Chlorine, Bisphenyl-A, Esterone and Ibuprofen)
For each challenge, one (1) liter of water containing the contaminant samples was used. Contaminant samples were prepared beforehand by adding the contaminant species to quantities of General Test Water.
Evaluation of Puritii™ Water Filter for
Removal of Biological and Chemical Contaminants
A summary of 2017 Laboratory Testing of Puritii Water Filters commissioned by ARIIX
Filter output was subsequently analyzed for contaminant content, and percent reduction was calculated by difference between pre-filtration and post-filtration contaminant concentrations.
RESULTS:Microbiological Tests:
For the Bacterial challenge, Raoultella terrigena was used. This organism is a member of the Enterobacteriaceae family, making it a useful analog for related bacterial pathogens in this family, including E. coli, Salmonella, and Shigella. In this challenge, the Puritii filter successfully filtered an average of 99.9999% of the bacteria.
The Viral challenge used MS-2 bacteriophage. This virus infected members of the Enterobacteriaceae family and was used in this study because it is similar in size and shape to viruses that infect the human gastrointestinal tract. Puritii filtered out an average of 99.95% of this virus.
The Microbiological test also included the use of fluorescent microspheres measuring 3.0 micrometers in diameter, which were used as a surrogate for Cryptosporidium oocysts. Puritii filtered out more than 99.997% of these microspheres.
Table 1. Removal of Microbiological contaminants by Puritii Water Filter

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. | Independent ARIIX Representative
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