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The Most Popular Diets to Lose Fats

The Most Popular Diets to Lose Fats

Let’s face it. Most of us want bacon, pancakes, white bread, fried rice, fried eggs, and sausages for breakfast with a hot cup of coffee with creamer. For lunch, we just go for fast food hamburger and french fries or chicken nuggets with ice cold sodas. Some of us would dream of pizza overloaded with pepperoni and mozzarella cheese or a fancy dinner eating roasted steaks getting 2,000 calories in one meal. Sounds yummy but not healthy. With all the junks, diets to lose fats seemed too good to be true.

For sure, many of us aim to lose weight for physical and psychological reasons. You may be ‘bullied’ because of your appearance and for social acceptance, or you are suspecting of an illness that endangers your health which is related to ‘obesity’. Here are some of the modern methods of dieting to lose fat.

Some of the Most Popular Diets to Lose Fats

South Beach Diet

South beach diet is a diet plan developed by Dr. Arthur Agatston, a well-known American cardiologist in Miami, Florida, together with Marie Almon, a nutritionist. This diet plan focuses on regulating and controlling of insulin level. Also, it highlights high-fiber, unsaturated fats, low-glycemic carbohydrates and lean protein. As a matter of fact, this diet plan has 3-stages and slowly increases the percentage of carbohydrates taken as it improves while it at the same time decreases the amount of protein and fat. There are some controversies on this diet plan because the benefits are not supported by science and evidence.

Atkins Diet

Atkins Nutritional Approach or the ‘Atkins Diet‘ concentrates on controlling the insulin level in the blood through dieting. The idea behind this diet plan is when we consume the large portion of carbohydrates the insulin level will lead to rapid rise and fall. The soaring of insulin level will prompt the body to store as much of the energy based on what we eat. It is most likely that the body uses the stored fat to convert into energy. Thus, it is considered as an effective diet to lose fat. Based on studies, the benefit of this diet plan are fast weight loss, potentially reduced the risk of heart diseases and cancer, as well as, it reduces hunger and cravings.

Zone Diet

This diet plan recommends reducing the consumption of carbohydrates to ensure healthy insulin levels as you need to eat more omega-3 fatty acids and polyphenols and impedes inflammation due to diet control. In fact, benefits of this diet plan are the healthy weight, reduction of sickness, and slowing of aging.

The Vegetarian Diet

There are different types of Vegetarians. The Lacto-vegetarian, Living food diet vegetarian, Ovo-vegetarian, Pescovegetarian, Semi-vegetarian, Fruitarian vegetarian, and Lacto-ovo-vegetarian. In fact, Lacto-ovo-vegetarian has the most number compared to other types. They do not eat animal meat or animal-based foods, except for eggs, honey, and dairy products. As a result, Vegetarians appeared to live longer, have lower body weight, and fewer tendencies of getting sick.

The Vegan Diet

This diet plan comes from ‘Veganism’ which is more of a life and a philosophy. In vegan diet plan, a person does not eat any animal-based products including dairy, eggs, and honey. Moreover, Vegans do not only practice ‘veganism’ for health purpose but also for environmental reasons as well. Animals will not suffer and get harmed as they achieve better physical and mental health.

The Ultimate Healthy Diet Product of Today

No need to do ‘Crash Diet‘ to lose fats or starve yourself to death. There is a weight loss product that helps you lose fats fast and helps you prevent from rebound weight gain. 

ARIIX, the global leader in health and wellness industry created a one-of-a-kind formula to lose weight faster and will never let you worry about ‘OBESITY’ again in the future. From the SLENDERIIX Weight Management System comes SLENDERIIX Diet.

SLENDRIIX is 100 percent homeopathic ingredients and 100 percent hormone free that will help you lose up to 3/4 pound per day. Also, it is with FDA approval.

Only SLENDERIIX can do it. This is the best among all diet plans to lose fats.

To read more about the product, click SLENDERIIX.

To Maintaining Good Health,

The ARIIX Products Team
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