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Poor Detoxification and Unrefined Foods lead to Inflammation of the Stomach

DetoxificationInflammation is just one of the many ways the body defends itself. After an injury for instance, the immune system is activated and redness, pain, swelling and heat are all protective responses to dispose of toxins at the site of inflammation. Gastritis, the medical name for inflammation of the stomach, results from an imbalance in the gastric juices, resulting in abdominal pain, bloating and gas, nausea and vomiting and sometimes even weight loss.

Certain Foods can Cause Gastritis

There are certain foods that can cause gastritis, but everyone is different. In general foods that can cause gastritis include caffeine, alcohol and spicy foods. A change in diet can help reduce your symptoms, and it is recommended that you eat nutrient-dense, high-fiber foods which are rich in antioxidants, flavonoids and B vitamins. Examples of these kinds of foods include fish, poultry and dark leafy greens.

It’s not always easy just to simply give up the foods that you love, but it will be to your advantage to start having less sugar and refined foods such as bread and pasta. Try and increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables and also try to filter your drinking water if at all possible. When this isn’t possible, supplementation is the next best thing, as they contain the right balance of ingredients so vital to our health.

Gastritis – Acute or Chronic

The stomach has an internal lining, known as the gastric mucosa. The mucosa is supposed to create hydrochloric acid to break down food but to also protect itself from its acidic contents. Sometimes the balance of the gastric mucosa is upset. Gastritis can have a number of symptoms, but sometimes these even go unnoticed.

Gastritis can be sudden and brief or it can be a long-lasting condition (chronic). An example of this is known as Helicobacter pylori, a kind of bacteria that infects the stomach. The bacteria burrows into the cells of the stomach lining and this results in inflammation. H. pylori is the most common cause of gastritis and gastric ulcers, and those infected have an increased risk of stomach cancer.

Don’t Just Resort to Pain Killers

Certainly when your vomiting is accompanied by blood it is time for professional medical intervention. This is because gastritis may have lead to stomach ulcers and stomach bleeding. Many people use pain relievers such as aspirin or ibuprofen, without realizing that these can actually cause acute gastritis.

Detoxification is important to good health, and because the liver is the main organ of detoxification, it goes without saying that a well-functioning liver is critical if you want to feel good and also slow down the aging process. Any allergic, inflammatory or metabolic disorder comes about because of impaired liver function. Some of these ailments include among others –

● chronic fatigue
● inflammatory bowel disorders
● recurring infections
● rheumatoid arthritis
● hormonal imbalances
● anxiety and depression
● heartburn

Helping Gastritis Naturally

If you do suffer with inflammation of the stomach, your body is sounding alarm bells and telling you that a toxic load has overpowered you. Reducing the amount of acid in the stomach is one way of controlling gastritis. Many people look for over-the-counter antacids designed to neutralize the acid in the stomach. However, when you do research, you will find that medical experts and professionals agree that most of the health problems we have, such as inflammation, can be treated without having to resort to synthetic drugs.

The liver for instance, detoxifies substance so that they become harmless. This process, known as conjugation, requires an adequate supply of nutrients to work properly. It is a good move to make sure that your daily intake includes detoxifying antioxidants.

There are a number of powerful anti-inflammatory supplements that can have a positive effect such as omega 3 fish oils, grape seed extract, ginger, turmeric and MSM (methylsulfonylmethane). MSM has the means to neutralize inflammation and to break down the calcification which is so often connected with chronic inflammation.

Some people also find that herbal treatments can be effective, and dandelion root, wild yam and yellow dock are all good liver tonics. They make an infusion of one or more of these and then sip these herbal drinks 2 or 3 times a day.

Don’t Make a Balanced Meal a Low Priority

It is true that often the pace of life causes us to resort to fast foods, often eaten while on the go. Many people don’t eat well and the danger is that often we are not even aware that something is wrong and we simply become used to feeling tired, blaming it on overwork or age. Simply by slowing down, eating better, taking vitamin and mineral supplements and making simple lifestyle changes, eliminating ailments such as inflammation of the stomach is possible.

Nutrifii has created one of the most potent antioxidant that flights inflammation called Vinali.

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