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Organic Spirulina – Facts You Need To Know About

Things To Know About Organic Spirulina

Organic Spirulina and its benefits

We’ve all heard the buzz around superfoods and their health benefits. They have been creating noise in the food and health industry. But what is a superfood? That term has been lingering for a long time. Even dating back in the early 20th century. These are foods that have various vitamins. They also contain minerals and nutrients for the body. Among such foods, organic spirulina would be high on that list. It ranks along side with acai berries, nuts and salmon.

Most of what superfoods bring to the body are antioxidant features. It helps in reducing the damages done by free radicals. They also help in regulating cholesterol, boosting the immune system and giving energy spike. They are such due to the nutrients found inside of them. Substances that gives a more healthier body for the person. 

But what is organic spirulina? It is an algae that can be acquired in different places of the world.  With its “organic” feature it doesn’t contain chemicals. What makes it so special? There are two reasons of that being. First, being an algae means that they are important in every micro-organism. Second, being an algae comes with high chlorophyll in them.

How does chlorophyll benefit the human body? With such component in the body, it detoxifies the system from heavy metal pollution. Diseases like Alzheimer’s have high correlation to heavy metal toxins. Chlorophyll partners with heavy metals in the system and removes them. It is very important to have that in the body since we are exposed to various sources of metal toxins. It can be taken from preservatives, smog and pesticides.

Organic spirulina has a high amount of protein. It’s beneficial for vegans and people going to the gym. The protein in this food is different from the others. How so? Its protein is a complete protein. It contains all of the amino acids which the body needs. Not all daily foods contain all amino acids. So for an average person, they lack such substance in the body.

The food also has Omega 3 and Omega 6. Both component is important to the body. Omega 3 in the food has DHA and EPA. Those two are considered fatty acids. They can’t be found in day to day meals. They play important roles in brain function and regulating chemicals in the system.

This food, just like any superfood, contains vitamins and minerals. Vitamin A to Vitamin E can be found in it. It also has calcium, iron and zinc.

What makes such food organic? To be labeled as organic, it must have 95% organically yielded ingredients. The food should be harvested without chemicals, radiation and bioengineering.

Forms of organic spirulina

The algae can be taken in tablet and capsule form. Powder form is a choice too. It has been said that spirulina powder can be taken in with water. That is to counter the idea of mixing with fruit juice. The food is suggested for athletes and body builders as well. It brings power boost to the body when carrying heavy objects.

The most popular way of intaking the food is by using it as a supplement. A supplement added to the person’s dietary meals. Restoriix by Nutrifii is a mixture of zeolite, charcoal and various superfoods. All components help in eliminating free radicals and toxins. It also contain chlorella which aids in antioxidant. It supports healthy cholesterol and regulate sugar levels. The supplement is also packed with the benefits of chia seeds. These seeds are filled with fiber and antioxidant features as well. Overall, it gives a boost in the immune system, looks after cholesterol and cleanses the body of toxins. Read more of Restoriix by Nutrifii.

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