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Nutritional Balancing: The Missing Link to Restore Human Health

Nutritional Balancing: The Missing Link to Restore Human Health

The condition of the body depends on the things you put inside your mouth. Healing from diseases depends on the sufficiency of nutrients absorbed by the body. In everything you do to your body, there is always a consequence. The science of Nutritional Balancing is now advancing its popularity. How can this healing protocol be the missing link to the restoration of human health?

What is Nutritional Balancing?

NUTRITIONAL BALANCING is a practical and holistic approach to healing the body in a higher and deeper level. In other words, the science of nutritional balancing means that you consume the right amount of everything you need from your diet. The body is getting the exact quantity from your diet all macronutrients, micronutrients, and calories without exceeding. The system is not about determining any sickness or treating any disease but it is doing a testing of minerals using the hair to come up with a nutrition, supplement and even to design a lifestyle to enhance body’s energy level, balance the oxidation rate, reduction of stress and easement of the nervous system of the body.

In the optimal stage of nutritional balancing, the body is maintaining a stable ideal weight, healthy blood pressure levels, and blood cholesterols are low. As per medical interpretation, weight gain, lack of energy, and being sickly are signs that you need to check on your diet and supplement.

The Formation of Nutritional Balancing

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

This type of analysis is a testing used worldwide to monitor toxic chemicals and trace elements in the body, whether human or animal. Also, it is used to test soils and rocks to determine the mineral content. Why use hair? It is because the minerals in the body are stored in the hair growth. Mineral testing is focused on this program since the elements are the ‘detonator’ of the body. By examining mineral imbalances, the causes, and correction can be determined to address common mental and physical conditions.

Adequate Rest and Sleep

A change of lifestyle is important in ‘nutritional balancing‘ especially getting enough rest and sleep to regenerate, develop and repair the mind and body. It is advised that a person should have at least 8 hours of sleep and 15 minutes nap in the afternoon. In fact, resting and sleeping reduces the stress in the body and helps strengthen immunity against illness.

Hydration of the Body

Drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day or 500 milliliters will help the body flush out toxins and maintain hydration. Furthermore, it is significant to the natural healing of the body. Water increases energy and promotes weight loss. In addition, it boosts the immune system and improves skin appearance.

Refrain from Toxin Exposures and Contaminations

Toxic chemicals in the environment are highly hazardous to human. They come in many forms everywhere which are contributors to diseases. Absorption of too much toxic metals in the body from contaminants and the body’s inability to eliminate will result in death.

Regular Exercise and Posture

Improper bend of the spine can great affect breathing, digestion and resulting to the tweaking of the nerves. This will certainly stress the body at it puts out energy tightening muscles to compensate the tweaking of nerves and further pulls up soft tissues and organs.

Moderate exercise is a must to increase body heat and promotes the burning of fats. Too much exercise is not advisable since it will enhance the production of ‘cortisol’ that causes stomach fats.

Eating Plan and Proper Supplementation

Slow and Fast Oxidizers needs appropriate Eating Plan. This is important to determine the body’s metabolic rate. Slow Oxidizers are those who metabolizes food at a slower rate than the energy production. While the Fast Oxidizers are individuals who metabolize food at a faster rate than the prescribed energy production. An appropriate ‘eating plan’ is highly recommended.

Supplementation is necessary to eliminate oxidative stress and replace minerals in the body. We cannot achieve optimal function and vitality if there is no balance in mineral ratio and level. There should be proper planning in the individuality of nutritional requirements based on age, gender, sex, weight and health conditions.

The World’s Perfectly Balances Super Nutrition Blend

The Science of Nutritional Balancing makes the body healthier and strong to overcome illnesses on its own. Modern science took over a year to develop a Superior Nutritional Blend.

ARIIX, the global leader in health and wellness industry brought to you balanced nutrition by mother nature in ONE BOTTLE.

Only MOA – Super Nutritional Blend.

MOA – Super Nutritional Blend formula has undergone a thorough research to capture the essence of nature and ensure the very best possible health benefits especially for you and your loved ones.

To read more about the product, click MOA – Super Nutritional Blend.

To Maintaining Good Health,
The ARIIX Products Team
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