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Nutrient Deficiency:The Common Types Of It

Nutrient Deficiency:The Common Types Of It
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nutrient deficiencyWhat is a nutrient deficiency?

nutrient deficiency
Nutrient deficiency can lead to malnutrition. A person reaches such state when the body is not getting enough proper nutrients for it to be in an optimal state.

Nutrients work at the cellular level therefore when it is not working efficiently, it will definitely affect other parts of the body. Lack of nutrients in the body can affect major organs and various processes in the body.

Nutrients are very important for the body for they nourish and keeps it healthy. You receive nutrients from the healthy foods that you eat. Taking supplements can increase nutrient levels in the system. Supplements don’t just bring one nutrient but it brings loads of it.

Various nutrient deficiency is discussed further below. Along with that, we give you the healthy sources of the nutrient for you to counter such low numbers of it.

Common nutrient deficiency

Calcium is vital to the body. It aids in making the bones stronger and healthier. Calcium also maintains strong bones, muscle control, and nerve function. Fatigue, muscle cramps, and poor appetite are symptoms of calcium deficiency. Good sources of calcium would include milk, yogurt, cheese and dark leafy green vegetables.

Vitamin D plays essential roles in bone strength. Deficiency of such nutrient includes muscle aches, fatigue, bone pain, joint pain, and muscle weakness. Foods that have good numbers of this nutrient include tuna, salmon, mackerel, beef liver, egg yolks, and cheese.

Iron aids the body. Especially in the process of producing red blood cells. When such nutrient is low the body isn’t effective in carrying out oxygen. This then can also cause fatigue, pale skin, and thin hair. There are various daily foods that can increase iron levels in no time. Those would be lentils, spinach, specific cereals, beef, and beans.

Vitamin A is a cohort of nutrients that is very important for eye health and functions of reproductive health. This nutrient also gives out strengthening qualities to the immune system. Excellent sources of this nutrient include milk, eggs, kale, broccoli, carrots, pumpkin and sweet potatoes.

Folate aids the body in creating red blood cells and in the production of DNA. It also supports brain development and different nervous system functioning. Folate also plays an important role in fetal development. The development of the brain and spinal cord depends on folate. Foods that has this nutrient are beans, lentils, citrus fruits, shellfish, fortified grain products, poultry, and pork.

Potassium aids major organs in the body. It helps the heart and kidney to be in an optimal state. Diarrhea, vomiting, antibiotics, excessive sweating can also lead to low levels of potassium in the body. Great sources of this nutrient are milk, vegetables, beans, and peas.

Those are the most common nutrient deficiency experienced by many people. To counter such low levels of it in the body, you can also choose to have them by eating the right foods. Supplements give out nutrients that are lacking from foods. They supply the body with essential nutrients to keep it healthy.

Supplements for a healthier body: Optimals by NutrifiiOptimals by Nutrifii

Optimals by Nutrifii are able to support bones, nerves, muscles, heart, eyes, skin and lungs. Optimals are divided into two for greater benefits in the body.

Optimal-V takes care of the major organs in the system. It does this through a comprehensive spectrum of vitamins and antioxidants.

Optimal-M supports bones, nerves, and muscles. It supports them through a comprehensive spectrum of minerals and phytonutrients.

Components of each Optimals are strategically picked to give the body nourishment. They also make the immune system stronger. It contains various nutrients that can guarantee a healthier body is to be achieved.

To see and read more of the product, click Optimals by Nutrifii.

To Maintaining Good Health,

The ARIIX Products Team
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