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Magnical-D Makes Your Bones and Teeth Stronger


Many of us know that calcium is needed to keep our bones and teeth strong and healthy. However, Deanna Latson, a clinical nutritionist, says calcium is not enough to maintain healthy bones.

“Other nutrients are also needed for bone health like magnesium, vitamin D and vitamin K, which all work together as a team for better absorption and effectiveness. Your bones are not just hard, lifeless structure. They are constantly in motion. They break down and they rebuild t

hemselves. And nourishing them with the right nutrients is vital for avoiding problems in the future,” Ms. Latson says.

The question is, where can you get all these nutrients together and in the right balance?Ms. Latson says most of them can be found in the food you eat. However, in today’s fast-paced, fast-food world, she says it’s becoming nearly impossible to get sufficient amount of these nutrients through food alone.

Welcome to Magnical-D

“And that’s where Magnical-D comes in. It is a balanced blend of calcium, magnesium, vitamin D and vitamin K,” Ms. Latson says.

Magnical-D is a nutritional supplement manufactured by Ariix, the global leader in the health and wellness industry.

Ms. Latson says Magnical-D provides all these essential nutrients in an easily-absorbed supplement that would support the bone, cardiovascular and cellular health.

Dr. Ray Strand, a family medical practitioner who focuses on nutrition and preventive medicine, says it is important to know what forms of nutrients you are taking in.

“And it is just as important to know how well they are absorbed into the system,” Dr. Strand says.

Statistics show that in the United States and China, nearly 8% of adults and 40% of children are deficient in calcium.

“A lot of them are a result of many supplements in the market using forms of calcium that are not well absorbed. Sadly, most magnesium supplement in the market today contain magnesium oxide, which clinical studies show is only absorbed four percent of the time,” Dr. Strand says.

What Magnical-D are composed of?

Magnical-D uses a premium blend of calcium citrate and calcium malate, which are significantly more absorbable by the body than other common forms of calcium.

It also contains the most bioavailable form of magnesium and is packed with nutrients that are essential for bone mineralization like vitamin C, which is important for healthy gums and strong bones and is essential for the formulation of collagen, the foundation upon which bone mineralization is built.

Internist Dr. Michael Dimayuga says magnesium helps the body absorb and retain calcium.

“While most of the supplements today use vitamin K1, we choose vitamin K2 for Magnical-D, which has a unique ability to act like a traffic cop that allows the calcium to be deposited in your bones while also blocking calcium from being deposited in the arteries,” Dr. Dimayuga says.

Ms. Latson says Magnical-D is the perfect solution for countering common vitamin and mineral deficiency while keeping the body in a natural balanced state.

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