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Lutein: Its Benefits That We Didn’t Know About

Lutein: Its Benefits We Didn't Know About

Lutein is a naturally occurring carotenoid. It is known as the vitamin for the eyes. This is the yellow and orange pigment found in fruits and vegetables. It is an antioxidant for the eyes.

Benefits of Lutein

Lutein is also called the eye vitamin because of the benefits it gives to our eyes. This carotenoid helps to prevent loss of vision, specifically in the case of macular generation. The macula is the part of the retina that is responsible for 3-dimensional vision. This part of the eye has been found to be concentrated with lutein. It is said that it helps keep the eyes from oxidative stress. The antioxidant properties of lutein help fight free radical damage as a result of sun exposure and other factors such as smoking and poor diet.

Studies show that an increase in macula pigmentation lessens the risk of eye problems and diseases, such as macular degeneration. Research has also shown evidence that this carotenoid can lower the incidence of cataracts. This can also help in reducing eye strain and fatigue, and glare sensitivity. It also promotes the normal visual functions of the eye. Lutein is also said to strengthen the eye tissues and support visual eyesight. It also protects healthy cells while removing the dangerous cells in our eyes.

Aside from the benefits that it provides for our vision and eye health, lutein has more to offer. Recent research has shown that this vitamin and antioxidant support brain function and can enhance memory and learning. The results of this research show that lutein is a dominant carotenoid in the brain that influences visual processing and other brain functions. And since visual processing speed slows down as we grow older, another brain health benefit of lutein is it boosts the overall brain efficiency.

A new evidence from a very recent study has also shown that lutein may help in protecting the carotid arteries in the neck from clogging. It may help prevent the progression of atherosclerosis. Studies also show that it reduces the risk of cancer because of its anti-inflammatory properties and helps fight oxidative stress. Research has also found that lutein helps protect the skin due to its ability to fight oxidative stress. It can lessen the incidence of skin damage and risk of skin cancer.

Sources of Lutein

Lutein is an antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory and cancer-fighting properties. This vitamin is found in green leafy vegetables such as kale, broccoli, collards, and bok choy. It is found in fruits and vegetables. Examples of these include sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, and tomatoes. Egg yolks also contain lutein but should be taken in moderation if you have problems with cholesterol.

Lutein as a Supplement: OPTIMAL-V BY NUTRIFII

As we grow older, the lutein levels in our bodies will gradually decrease because our bodies can no longer produce it.  People who smoke, women who are postmenopausal and those who are of older age have decreased levels of this vitamin.

Optimal-V by Nutrifii supports the heart, eyes, skin, and lungs of a person. It does this via a comprehensive spectrum of vitamins and antioxidants. Having antioxidants alone can increase or boost the user’s immune system. How? The main function of antioxidants is to fight free radicals in the body. These free radicals are compounds that can destroy cells. This can then lead to illnesses and signs of aging more visible.

The supplement can also support the eyes. It contains vitamins and minerals like beta-carotene, vitamin C, E, zinc and lutein. All of which supports the maintenance of a healthy vision.

It backs up the heart and lungs via vitamins B and E. Along with those two are the antioxidant properties it has. Those components work well with each other. This is true especially when it comes to the diet and providing support to the cardiovascular system of a person.

The recommended dosage of Optimal-V is 3 tablets, twice daily.

To know more of the product, Optimals By Nutrifii, click here.

To Maintaining Good Health,

The ARIIX Products Team
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