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Different Causes Of A Low Immune System

Different Causes Of A Low Immune System

low immune systemPrior to every condition that’s felt by the body, it gives symptoms of first. For the case of a low immune system, symptoms include frequent illnesses and infections. These consist of colds, fever, cough, sinus infections and more.

The immune system plays a great role in keeping the body healthy and away from illnesses. The person feels great for the day when he or she feels healthy and high in energy. The immune system contributes to those feelings. Therefore it is important to know the different things that make the immune system low.

Causes of low immune system

As mentioned above, the immune system is an important part of the body when fighting off diseases. Regardless of whether the immune system is strong, there are many factors that make it weak.

Stress is a universal feeling that is encountered by many. Choric stress is able to elevate cortisol levels of the body which can lower the production level of good prostaglandins. They are localized hormones that mainly back up the immune function. It also helps in dilating blood vessels and has anti-inflammatory features.

Being exposed to stress for a long time can make the body vulnerable to colds and flu. The heart and the weight of the body are also affected by stress.

Diet greatly contributes to a low immune system. Consumption of refined sugars and processed foods can damage the said system. These types of food contain chemical additives, preservatives and toxins that can harm the body in many ways. The immune system tends to weaken if it is outnumbered by such hazardous substances in the body. It has the ability to develop chronic conditions.

To counter this, a diet that contains good fruits, whole grains, vegetables and supplements can boost the immune system and help with the other organs in the body.

Lack of sleeping hours can weaken the immune system drastically. During sleep, that is where the body recuperates after a long day’s work. Poor sleep correlates to the decrease number of specific white blood cells that are great in fighting off diseases. Constant lack of sleep can make the body vulnerable to bacteria and viruses.

Physical exercise supports the immune system and gives it a boost as well. Lacking from this activity can make the body miss out in blood flow increase, improved blood circulation and decrease of body fat.

Obesity or being overweight makes the immune system low. It affects the performance of white blood cells to multiply, give out antibodies and its anti-inflammatory features. Being overweight comes with a lot more issues, it affects the blood pressure, it makes the heart vulnerable to diseases and increase cholesterol levels happen as well.

Lack of hygiene pertains that the body is piling up bacteria gotten from day to day. Germs can lead to a weaker immune system. Just the simple activity of brushing of teeth, washing of hands can affect the body in the long run.

Those are the main reasons as to why the body experiences low immune system. Eating good food is important; having a healthy lifestyle can be great factor as well. Taking up a supplement that can boost the immune system is only beneficial to the body.

Super nutritional supplement: MOA

MOA is packed with many superfoods that greatly boost the body’s immune system. Unlike the other products in the market, it is free of preservatives and other toxins that can damage the body.

MOA comes with purees, extracts, whole fruits, vegetables and herbs. It aims to be the best and most unique formula on the market today.

MOA gives the body its essential nutrients for it to be in a optimal state and balance. To see more of the product, click MOA.

To Maintaining Good Health,

The ARIIX Products Team
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