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Balanced pH Levels: Why Is It Important?

Importance of Balanced pH Levels

What are pH in the body?

Before getting into the importance of pH levels in the body, let us define what they are. pH or potential of hydrogen refers to the balance of acidity and alkalinity in the body. Various factors can persuade whether the blood in the body that has too much acids or has low levels of it.

The cells in our body must regulate alkalinity in order for them to function well. Diseases and illnesses thrive in acidic bodies. When a person’s body is acidic, it can help the bacteria and virus grow. Now when the pH levels are normal, the tissues and fluids in the body are slightly alkaline.

Importance of balanced pH levels:

pH balance is a more complex process rather a simple one. But being able to control what goes in to your body greatly helps such process. pH is measured on a scale from 0 to 14. Seven is the neutral number. The lower that pH number is, the more acidic the body is. The higher the number, the more alkaline it is.

If the body leans more towards the acidic state, this then will cause a lack of oxygen in the blood. If there is no proper oxygenation, the bacteria, molds and viruses will rise and grow.

During such state, the body will defend itself from the hazardous acids by storing them (the acids) in fat cells. When acid levels are elevated, calcium is greatly used up as well. The blood will take calcium in the bones because it is the most alkaline mineral.

In this acidic state, the blood takes some of the alkaline producing components from enzymes located in the small intestine. It does this because it will help the levels be balanced.

Insulin levels will also spike during such state. The fats also are stored instead of being metabolized. When the body becomes acidic, insulin is produced in high levels so all calories can be stored up as fat. This then will make the person gain weight.

Such state will put stress on the kidneys, pancreas, and other organs. The same result will happen if the body greatly leans to being alkaline.

To avoid such processes and complications it is vital to keep the pH levels balanced. If it is balanced, it promotes strong organs and tissues. It provides a clean digestive tract and fluids. It helps our immune system to fight off illnesses and diseases. It will support a more optimal health.

How to maintain a balanced pH level:

There are some foods that can aid in balancing pH levels. There are fruits and vegetables to help with this. Such foods will give you less acidity in the body.

Acid bringing foods are dairy, eggs, meats and processed foods. Along with them are canned and packaged foods as well. They will fall more on acidity.

Picking foods that will help you maintain such levels are quite difficult since not all fruits and vegetables help in this process. 

With this, people choose to go with supplements to lessen the hassle of finding and cooking the foods. Restoriix by Nutrifii supports a healthy pH level and detoxification in the body. It is a perfect blend of zeolite, chlorella and superfoods. All of which helps in detoxing the body from unwanted substances. It also helps in the balancing of pH in your body while supporting a healthy immune function.

The product contains activated charcoal of the willow tree bark and chia seeds. Both help in the antioxidative process in the body. They are able to defend cells from free radicals.

It helps in making signs of aging less visible and promotes a more healthier system in the body. To know more of the product, click Restoriix by Nutrifii.

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