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How To Lose Belly Fat Fast With High Intensity Training

How to lose belly fat

Belly fats are one of the parts of the body that are very stubborn to get rid of. They are frustrating to see because they are still visible even when wearing clothes. Research have found out that workouts that comprise high intensity such as spinning class and sprinting can be a way to lose belly fat faster. The question on how to lose belly fat faster might have just been finally answered. High-intensity exercises lead to greater fat loss and other health benefits compared to moderate intensity exercises. Moderate-intensity exercises would include walking, fast pace walking, and jogging. They make you sweat and breathe heavy but the results don’t go on par with high-intensity training.

High-intensity training

Best way on how to lose belly fat is with high intensity training. With high-intensity training, the muscle group in motion moves faster. In several studies done on these exercises, it showed that it can burn body fat for women around two to three kilos in a span of three months. Losing such weight in that time frame is a healthy way of shredding of pounds in the body. That makes the body adapt slowly and not be surprised by the sudden weight loss. Losing that amount of body fat in three months can lead to having a physique of strong lean muscle.

People who do low-intensity exercises can also attain such physique but only in a longer time. Those walks and jogging still bring its own benefits to the body. They still improve the cardiovascular health of a person.

Prior to doing high-intensity exercises, different warm-ups should be done. Immediately diving into the exercise without making the muscles ready, will lead to different injuries and extreme muscle soreness. The reason as to why people do warm-ups first would be because to make the blood start to flow through the muscles. In order for the parts of our body to be heated up.

There are several high-intensity workouts that you could at home and in the gym. Different exercises that only require your body to put in the work. There would be those that utilize machines or other gym equipment.

Examples of high-intensity training

An example of a high-intensity workout would be a circuit training wherein the person does a strict form of pull-ups for 40 seconds (they do as many as they can) then move immediately to doing 60 repetitions of jumping jacks and then doing 20 burpees. Now that circuit can be done for three to four times to really feel the burn and exhaust the body.

Another example would be a lower body exercise that mainly uses your legs. The circuit is done as such: sprint without rest for 30 seconds, after that do squat jumps (do as many as you can) in a span of 45 seconds, then immediately do lunges 20 times for each leg and end the circuit with calf raises done 50 repetitions. This does not only work your legs but it hits your abdominal muscles as well – which is where your belly fat is located.

The last example would be mainly hitting your abdominal muscles. This circuit aims to give muscle definition to your abs. Bicycle crunches in a span of a minute, 15 repetitions of sit-ups, 50 repetitions of crunches, hanging knee raises for 15 repetitions, oblique crunches 20 repetitions for each side and ending it with half burpees. This exercise will surely make your abdominal muscles tighten.

Weight loss management system to rid of those belly fat

Weight loss means shredding off pounds in your body. This then means that losing weight would result in losing belly fat. Slenderiix Weight Management System consists of a unique formula that is made of 100 percent homeopathic ingredients. When used together in a signature 1250-calorie program, Slenderiix supports speedy weight loss, including stubborn belly fats and reduce the risk of rebound weight gain.

To read and see more of the product, click Slenderiix Weight Management System. Video and FAQs included!

To Maintaining Good Health,

The ARIIX Products Team
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