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How To Get Shiny Hair In Different Ways

How To Get Shiny Hair In Different Ways

Every woman would love to know the secret on how to get shiny hair like the same as the ones in hair commercials. Everyone likes that feature regardless of their hair being short, long or curly. With this, no one can deny the beauty of a shiny hair.

Most women would think that to achieve such hair is rather costly. That a frequent visit to the salon is needed. Although a visit to the salon can be an option but there are other ways to achieve a shiny hair. Just even in your house, you can start the process of achieving such hair.

A few ways on how to get shiny hair

Coconut oil through dry hair. We’ve all heard and read the wonders of coconut oil and what it can do to our body. Well, coconut oil still continues to amaze us since it can help with giving a more beautiful hair. Prior to applying the oil on the hair, the oil must be unrefined. The reason as to why it should be as such so that it can soak well into your hair. The amount of coconut oil to be used will vary depending on the thickness and texture of hair.

After applying the oil, you can wash the hair with warm water. A shower cap should contain the hair and leave it as such for a half hour. After the process, rinse the hair then continue with the shampoo and conditioner. Rinsing of it should be cold water.

Apple cider vinegar with water is another great tip how to get shiny hair. Apple cider vinegar has a lot of use when it comes to homemade products. It usually used as a natural component when it comes to detangling the hair. It is also used to soften and smoothen out the hair. Most people use the vinegar mixed with water right after the use of shampoo. After applying, they leave it as such for a few minutes then go on to rinsing it.

Honey is an ingredient that’s present in many hair products. Why? Because it has the ability to moisture and soften the strands of the hair. The substance has anti-bacterial properties as well. Most people would mix honey with warm water and apply it to their hair.

Treatment with oil and shea butter for hair. The oil in this treatment consists of olive, coconut, lavender, rosemary, almond and chamomile oil. Those are then mixed with shea butter and avocado. Along with those is honey, jojoba and wheat germ oil. Mix it all those components up and apply it to the hair. Leave it as such for 30 minutes and move on to rinsing. Just let it dry with air and you’re good to go. If this remedy is too much of a hassle, later in the article will be a much easier product that uses shea butter to give out a shiny and softer hair.

Other secrets on how to get shiny hair: Change of habits

Aside from using substances on the hair, there are habits that can contribute on how to achieve shiny hair. Choosing to not go with hair tools such as blow dryer, curling iron, straightening iron and hot curlers can benefit your hair greatly. Applying high levels of heat can greatly damage your hair.

Hair color should be avoided for the mean time as well. The chemicals of it can damage the hair and delay the process of making it shiny and softer.

Be picky with the products that you use. Some of hair products in the market do more harm than good for your hair. Some contain high amount of toxins and damages the hair in the long run since it is being constantly used.

A good shampoo and conditioner is vital go getting the hair that you want because these two components are part of everyday washing and cleaning of the hair. They have the most time and in frequently contact with your roots and scalp. So it is only beneficial to choose a product that fits your hair situation well.

Less hassle and a safer way to get shiny hair: Reviive Conditioner

Reviive Conditioner is on a league of its own compared to other products in the market. It features a unique and perfect blend of shea butter and phytic acid. Both of which can help with how to get shiny hair and giving it a naturally soft feel.

Having shea butter in the ingredient can add luster and shine to hair. It restores elasticity and protects against sun damage.

While phytic acid helps in removing accumulated toxins and supports a healthy pH balance. Having such ingredient can make the hair soft, shiny and tangle-free.

To read and know more of the product, click Reviive Conditioner.

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