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Heart-Healthy Meal: Add These To Your Diet

We counter toxin sources by eating a heart-healthy meal. Meals that would support and strengthen the heart and other organs. Meals that will maximize the functions of major organs so they can keep the body healthy. Having a strong heart will enable the body to feel good and far from major diseases, conditions and illnesses.

We all know how important the heart is to our body. It is the one the mainly keeps us alive. The heart acts as a pump that transfers the blood to various parts in the body. The arteries and veins in the bodies act like a pipe where the blood passes through. The heart beats 72 times per minute in our lives. It pumps the blood that carries the essential components which help our body to function. It also removes unnecessary waste products that we don’t need. 

The fact that the heart is what mainly keeps us alive, it is therefore, important to keep the heart healthy. In today’s world full of toxins coming from foods, cosmetic products and air, it is easier for the bacteria to penetrate our body’s system.

Heart-healthy meal

Fishes such as salmon and other omega fatty acid fishes is considered to be the top heart-healthy meal. It contains good amounts of omega-3 fatty acids which can aid in the lowering the risk of an irregular heartbeat.

Spinach and strawberry salad is tagged to be a heart-healthy meal because it can delight the heart in many ways due to their benefits to it. Strawberries and blue berries can lower the risk of having heart attack. This is such due to the anthocyanins and flavonoids that play in decreasing blood pressure in the vessels. It also helps in dilating blood vessels as well.

While spinach has folate, potassium and fiber in it to aid in the heart’s function.

Citrus fruits correlate to a lower heart disease which also makes it a heart-healthy meal. Mixing up them up with your healthy diet can affect the heart positively. This is such due to the vitamin C found in them. Such vitamin plays an effective role when it comes to protecting the heart from diseases and it maintains its health as well.

Oatmeals are also considered a heart-healthy meal because it is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, folate and potassium. The food has the feature to lower the levels of bad cholesterol in the arteries and heart. It helps in cleaning out the arteries as well to avoid any clots in them. 

Soy products like soy milk and tofu added to your meal can make it a heart-healthy meal. Soy is a good source of protein for your diet. It doesn’t contain much cholesterol and unhealthy fats. It has various fiber, vitamins and minerals. In fact, it has the potential to lower blood pressure for people.

Potatoes that are not fried can support the heart greatly and can be everyone’s heart-healthy meal favorite. It has a good number of potassium that aids in lowering levels of blood pressure. They are high in fiber as well. Fibers can help with a lower risk of acquiring heart disease. Roasting sweet potatoes can be a way to satisfy a craving, but this time healthier.

Supplement for heart: Omega-Q by Nutrifii

As some people don’t have the time to prepare a heart-healthy meal, they choose to go with supplements that mainly support the heart.

Omega-Q by Nutrifii is a supplement hat supports heart and brain function. It does this via a perfect balance of essential fatty acid and coenzyme Q-10.

The balance of the two helps in starting and maintaining a good overall health. It supports the brain and health function as well as an overall sense of well-being. It has features of making and maintaining a healthy heart.

The supplement has high premium quality CoQ10 and Omega-3 fatty acids that are essential to every day nutrients. They play vital roles when it comes to human health, growth and development.

To read more of the supplement, click Omega-Q by Nutrifii.

To Maintaining Good Health,

The ARIIX Products Team
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