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Foods with Vitamin D – What are They?

Foods with Vitamin D - What are They?

Foods with Vitamin D are needed to get the vitamin supplement that we need for stronger and healthier bones. Vitamin D is a great vitamin. In addition, vitamin D is important in making sure that the muscles are functioning well. Moreover, the heart, lungs, and brain are also affected by the content of vitamin D in the body. Vitamin D makes sure that all these organs function well and are ready to fight infection.

In the early years, vitamin D was known as a treatment for certain diseases in children, specifically Ricket’s. Doctors during that time discovered that vitamin D can prevent Ricket’s from occurring. Unlike other vitamins, Vitamin D can easily be generated by the body through simple sun exposure, as a result, it’s easiest to acquire compared to other vitamins.

There are other ways to get vitamin D, too. Grocery aisles in stores, usually sell foods with vitamin D. The local farmer’s market have foods with vitamin D as well. That being the case, there is no reason why you can’t have vitamin D stored in your body. Here are some examples of foods with vitamin D.

7 Surprising Foods with Vitamin D


Wild-caught fish just like mackerel contains the highest amount of vitamin D among food sources. It has 251% of vitamin D per 100-gram serving. Mackerel is known for its high vitamin D content because it is a kind of fatty fish. Mackerel is accessible in any local grocery store or in local food markets.

Cod Liver Oil
Cod Liver Oil contains about 450 IU per teaspoon (5ml). This can be a great alternative for people who don’t eat fish. Cod liver oil is one of the foods with vitamin D that can be good for children. Furthermore, cod liver oil has been a way to treat and prevent deficiency in children and adults. In addition, cod liver oil also contains vitamin A and omega-3 fatty acids which a lot of people, lack as well.


Oysters are a certain type of Clam that live on salt water. These clams are delicious and just like other seafood, it has a lot of vitamin D. Oysters can strengthen immunity and can decrease the risk of diseases.


Yes! You read that right. Bacon contains Vitamin D, too. Not only does great quality bacon good for you, but it actually (as we all know) really tastes delicious.


Aside from the fact that shrimps contain good cholesterol, it also contains Vitamin D which is a great way to help anybody lose weight. Even more, it also contains selenium, which can help prevent cancer. During the winter, where the sun is not shining that much, shrimp is a good alternative.


In the same way as bacon, lard surprisingly is good for your health. Lard is one of the foods with vitamin D. Using lard instead of synthetic products, can definitely make you food more delicious and comforting. Vitamin D that comes from lard, can actually help in calcium absorption and the removal of toxins from the body. Incidentally, cholesterol (which can be found in lard) together with vitamin D, can absolutely assist in the coordination of hormones.


Fish eggs from wild-caught fish can be a good source of vitamin D. Moreover, caviar contains about 117 IU per 100-gram serving. Studies have shown as well that a single tablespoon of caviar can actually give a similar amount of vitamin D that a midday exposure can give.

Magnical-D by Nutrifii

Truly, foods with vitamin D are absolutely helpful to the overall health. Moreover, they are all yummy and comforting at the same time.

Magnical-D by Nutrifii contains a premium blend of calcium citrate and calcium malate, which are notably more absorbable by the body.

It contains the most bioavailable kind of magnesium which can better help in Vitamin D absorption. Also, because of Vitamin C’s role in Vitamin D absorption, Magical-D by Nutrifii contains this as well. Magnical-D can be one of the greatest vitamin D food sources.

We present to you Magnical-D, the source of your Vitamin D, the solution for strong bones and muscles!

For more information, click the link below!

Magnical-D by Nutrifi

To Maintaining Good Health,

The ARIIX Products Team
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