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Effects of Sugar to our Health and Well-being

Effects of Sugar to our Health and Well-being

effects of sugarNowadays, the effects of sugar on our health and well-being is quite alarming. The reason being is that we tend to get addicted to sugary foods because it’s delicious. Moreover, sugar is usually added to boost flavor and make the food or beverage taste even better. In addition, sugar can add preserve the shelf life of food and improve a certain consistency making it more appealing. Normal consumption of sugar should only be about 6-9 teaspoons per day. However, most people consume about 22 teaspoons in a day. That’s more than half of what is needed. The effects of sugar in the body can greatly affect our day to day lives. As a result, knowing its effects to our body can make us more vigilant in our daily sugar intake.

Effects of Sugar – Disadvantages

Weight Gain

A single teaspoon of sugar contains approximately 15 calories. As a result, sugar can most definitely add hundreds of extra calories to your daily diet. In addition, these extra calories can lead to weight gain. Weight gain is one of the harmful effects of sugar in our body. When we gain weight and have a sedentary lifestyle, increases the risks of acquiring multiple diseases. Consequently, we need to reduce the intake of soda and sugary foods to prevent this from happening.

Health Problems

An increase in consumption of sugary foods can increase the probability of acquiring damaging diseases. Hypertension, Diabetes, depression and certain types of cancer are just some of the diseases that an increase in sugar intake may cause. High levels of sugar intake can also cause heart problems. This is caused by the rise of triglyceride count in the body thus negatively changing the body’s lipoprotein count. Moreover, high levels of LDL (bad cholesterol) can block arteries leading to the heart, causing heart diseases.

Tooth Decay

Nutrient-dense foods, such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, resource the vitamins and minerals to your teeth and gums. These vitamins are needed to maintain the teeth and gums’ good health. Sugary foods don’t provide these nutrients and also damagingly affect your oral condition. Bacteria, which is naturally existent in your mouth, reacts to the sugars you consume by generating acids. The acids terminate the protective enamel on your teeth. As a result, the acid causes cavities and decay, making the teeth brittle and the gums, unhealthy. Consequently, it is best to make sure that you take care of your oral cavity by decreasing the intake of sugary foods.

Take Home Tips

To minimize the effects of sugar, it’s best to read nutrition labels of foods to determine how much sugar that certain food contains. Moreover, staple condiments and food sometimes contain more sugar than what you actually need. Catsup, salad dressing, and bread may contain a lot more sugar. As a result, you need to make sure to read nutritional facts to help yourself in choosing healthier options and help you maintain the right amount of intake of sugar. At the same time, you need to check on sugar content as well for cookies, cakes, and ice cream. This is to make sure that you won’t go over your daily limit of sugar.

To Maintaining Good Health,

The ARIIX Products Team
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