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Chamomile and Its Known Health Benefits

The chamomile plant flowers

Chamomile, also called Matricaria recutita, is a member of the Asteraceae family. This plant is considered one of the most ancient medicinal herbs. It is known to be an antioxidant and has been used in Ancient times as an effective alternative medicine due to its natural healing properties. The herb is commonly used as an herbal extract and tea. It promotes serenity, strength, a youthful appearance and long life.

Chamomile Benefits

Chamomile has been long used in alternative medicine because of its known healing and medicinal properties. One of the top benefits of chamomile is its high source of antioxidants. These antioxidants can lower inflammation by fighting free radical damage and prevent cell mutation. Chamomile is also associated with better immune function. It can lower the rate of mood disorders.  As an antioxidant, it can give you healthier skin, hair, nails, teeth and eyes. 

Another benefit of chamomile is it fights anxiety and depression. It comes in different forms. Whether it’s in tea, tincture or essential oil form, it is one of the best medicines for fighting stress. It promotes relaxation according to research. Inhaling chamomile vapors using essential oils is usually recommended as a natural cure for anxiety, general depression, and stress. It is one reason why chamomile oil is a popular ingredient in candles, aromatherapy products and bath-soaking treatments. The extract is also used as a mild sedative to calm the tensions and reduce anxiety. The vapors travel directly to the olfactory part of the brain. This turns off tension and reduces the body’s stress response. This is the reason doctors use chamomile to effectively relieve symptoms of anxiety, stress, nightmares, insomnia and even digestive problems.

Chamomile is also believed to be a powerful digestive relaxant. It can be used to treat gastrointestinal disturbances which includes gas, acid reflux, indigestion, diarrhea, motion sickness, nausea and vomiting, even anorexia. The extract can help shorten the course of diarrhea and colic in children. It can also relieve symptoms associated with pain and anxiety. The oil form can also reduce cramping, constipation and stomachache. These benefits are associated with its natural relaxing effect. It also acts as a natural remedy for nausea.

Sometimes, chamomile is called an herbal aspirin because of its pain-reducing abilities. It is a known home remedy for lowering pain since ancient times. Its flowers are used to reduce pain, congestion, swelling and redness. It is effective against facial swelling, skin irritation, toothache, and issues of inflammation. That is why chamomile is a very common ingredient for beauty products such as body lotions, massage oils, and bath soaps. It is also said to lessen pain associated with arthritis, injuries, back pain, fever and pregnancy. Its pain-reducing qualities are used in soothing the body and relax the mind after giving birth.

According to recent scientific research, chamomile may also help fight cancer. Studies show some positive effects of chamomile inhibiting cancer cells from growing and acts as a natural cancer treatment. It is believed that its antioxidant properties inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Also, in recent studies chamomile has been associated with cardiovascular protection. It has high level of flavonoids which can lower the risk of coronary heart disease.

Chamomile as a supplement

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To know more of nutritional supplement, click Rejuveniix by Nutrifii.

To Maintaining Good Health,

The ARIIX Products Team
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