Bones grow stronger during the adolescence period of teenagers. For the case of older people, their bones turn weaker as years pass by. For people who drink and smoke cigarette, they are prone to having calcium deficiency. Calcium has an important role in the overall system of a healthy body. Parts like the muscles, bones and heart is in need of calcium for it to be healthy.
What our body does with it is that it uses it to aid on making the bones and teeth healthy. It also helps on muscle contraction and to normalize the rhythm of the heart. Having a good amount of
Foods with Calcium
The main source of calcium is through the everyday food that we eat. Foods like spinach, white beans, soybeans and some fishes have a relatively good amount of Calcium in them. Breakfast foods such as oatmeal and cereal also have calcium in them. The same goes for orange juice.
Lack of Calcium in the Body
Shortage of this in the body will eventually lead to Calcium Deficiency. If your body doesn’t have enough calcium, it will take a substantial amount directly from the bones. This is done so that the cells are able to function properly. Calcium Deficiency may lead to soft bones, osteoporosis and even mood problems. Less calcium in the body may make the person vulnerable to anxiety, depression and sleeping difficulties.
Symptoms of Calcium Deficiency include numbness of fingers, lack of enthusiasm towards eating and muscle cramps. For severe cases, a person might experience bone malformation, cognitive confusion and many more. Rickets and osteoporosis might be possible to acquire when having Calcium Deficiency.
Calcium Deficiency Signs
Natural aging can be one of the factors because of the bone density as a person grows older. As time passes, our bodies require more and more of it to main and support the bones in the body.
As for the cases of women, it is important to reach the daily intake level of calcium during their middle age. During this time is when women undergo menopause – a phase where there’s a declination of estrogen which then makes the bones to weaken or become thinner in a faster rate.
Prevention of Calcium Deficiency
Supplement that has these in it is a great way to boost up nutrients in your body. This is such because most supplements do not just carry one nutrient in it. Various vitamins are present as well in supplements.
Other than preventing calcium deficiency, along with those three nutrients, Magnical-D gives a massive boost to one more other nutrient: Vitamin C. Such vitamin is essential to the formation of collagen. It is the main foundation of bone mineralization. To see and learn more, click here.