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Buddleja Stem Cells vs Human Stem Cells

Buddleja Stem Cells vs Human Stem Cells
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Buddleja stem cells are plant stem cells that are now being used in beauty products. It plays a key role in skin health.

butterfly bushWhat are Buddleja Stem Cells?

These stem cells are extracted from the Buddleja plant, scientific name Buddleja davidii, and commonly known as Butterfly bush. This plant is a shrub that is found in Asia, Africa, and the Americas. In traditional medicine, this shrub is used for healing wounds. It is also popular for its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.

What do Buddleja Stem Cells do?

skin moistureThese plant stem cells have antioxidants that can help protect the skin from photo-oxidation. It also has phytosterols, amino acids, and polysaccharides, which have moisturizing properties. These properties of the plant stem cells play a key role in protecting the skin from photodamage and oxidative stress.

These stem cells protect against UVA damage, oxidative stress caused by UV-light, and stops enzymes that break down collagen. They can help address a wide range of skin problems that include wrinkles, visible capillaries, and damage caused by the sun.

Buddleja Stem Cells vs. Human Stem Cells

buddleja stem cellsThere’s a common misconception between plant and human stem cells. Most of us may think that since we are humans, we need human stem cells. But the truth is, plant stem cells are better than human stem cells when it comes skin care.

Why are plant stem cells better? Live or physical human stem cells cannot survive in a cosmetic product. It’s the culture of the human stem cells that are used. So, it is not quite possible for a product to have human stem cells since there will be a lot of factors to be considered such as the temperature.

And did you know that most of the human stem cells are taken from the fat on the rear end of a human? Then it is processed to get the stem cells. The issue here is that there is little control over these cells, what if the person is a smoker or an alcoholic or a drug user?

youthfulAlso, they are not as effective as plant stem cells. Plant stem cells are cleaner compared to human stem cells. And why is that? A lot of the toxins in our body are stored in fat. Although the fat extracted from humans are processed, human stem cells are not as clean as the plant stem cells.

There are a variety of plant stem cells that can be used. Buddleja has been tested and proven effective. They stimulate your stem cells to produce more daughter cells, making you look younger and youthful. They also help in the body’s natural renewal process to protect while soothing and calming the skin.

Jouve Nourishing Night Cream with Buddleja Davidii

Jouve Nourishing Night Cream is a product that has been formulated by Ariix, the global leader in health and wellness. The Nourishing Night Cream has been tested and proven effective by a lot of users. With 4 major key ingredients: Buddleja stem cells, Persian Silk Tree, Paracress, and Redde Complex. All these ingredients have been combined so that it can help our skin renew and rejuvenate the cells during nighttime. This intensive night cream provides you a skin care boost.

Jouve Nourishing Night CreamDuring night time, our skin goes through an essential restorative process. Healthy cells move up to the surface to repair damage accumulated throughout the day. The Night Cream enhances this process, giving your skin a needed beauty refresh. The Nourishing Night Cream contains high-quality, clinically tested and proven, clean ingredients that help remove visible fine lines, wrinkles or signs of aging, and fatigue.

Now you can say goodbye to dark circles, under eye bags and dull skin. Say hello to a fresh and flawless skin every morning.

To know more the about the all natural skin care products, click Jouve Nourishing Night Cream.

To Maintaining Good Health,

The ARIIX Products Team
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