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Best Vegetables List: What’s Your Favorite?

Best Vegetables List: What's Your Favorite?

Vegetables would always be beneficial to our bodies. But there would be those that would rise above the rest. They would be the best vegetables for your health.

The best veggies to eat jotted down below can be added to your healthy diet meals. Furthermore, vegetables give out various nutrients that the body needs to be in an effective state. These foods also help out in lowering the risk of catching bacteria and developing illnesses.

Best vegetables for the body

Beet greens

This edible leafy food comes with good numbers of vitamin K. Such vitamin can reduce the risk of developing type II diabetes. Vitamin K is a vital nutrient for treating injuries. Furthermore, tt aids in the regulation of normal blood clotting. Vitamin K also supports healthy and strong bones.


The longer the duration that the corn is cooked the higher the level of antioxidants can go into your body’s system. An antioxidant is an excellent help in making your body stronger. How? Antioxidants fight off hazardous compounds that damage cells and destroy them. Too much damage from them can lead the body to weaken and be open to various bacteria.


This vegetable might see small but it does big things in the body. Several studies have founded out that this food can lower the risk of acquiring stomach cancer. In addition to its benefits, peas are good sources of dietary fiber, copper, folate, vitamin C, niacin, protein, magnesium, potassium, and iron. As a result of these nutrients in the body, it can support muscle development and bone health.


This vegetable is part of any nutritional meal plan because of its vitamin C and its ability to lower bad cholesterol. Having vitamin C in the body can also increase antioxidant activities. Being able to lower bad cholesterol or LDL can benefit the heart greatly. It can reduce the risk of acquiring various heart disease and it can lower blood pressure as well.


This green leafy vegetable gives out cancer-fighting antioxidants. Broccoli comes with dietary fiber, vitamin B6, vitamin E, Vitamin A, potassium, and copper. To add to those nutrients, it also has omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and calcium. Broccoli also gives out nutrients that will help in the development of lean muscle and supports a healthy heart. Having good numbers of vitamin A means it helps with bone growth and immune health.


This food comes with carotenoids which is an antioxidant that supports healthy eyes and lessens macular degeneration. Lacking such specific antioxidant can lead to blindness for some people. This food does not only reduce cholesterol in the body but it also gives out protein, vitamins A to K, potassium, manganese, magnesium and copper.

Brussels sprouts

These rounded healthy foods can give the body high-quality antioxidants that can aid in detoxifying cancer-causing free radicals. It gives around 80 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C in the body. This food also lowers the risk of heart disease and cataracts.

As you may have just read, vegetables greatly benefit the heart, the bones and other major parts of the body. Those best vegetables out in the market come with different nutrients to nourish the body. Therefore, its components can make the person healthy and stronger.

A supplement for a healthier you: Omega-Q by Nutrifii

Omega-Q by Nutrifii mainly supports heart and brain function. It does this via a balanced blend of a combination of essential fatty acids and coenzyme Q10. Those two substances are excellent for initiating and sustaining overall health. Another benefit of Omega-Q is its effects starts from the very core of the body. It starts at the cellular level.

To read and see more of the product, click Omega-Q by Nutrifii.

To Maintaining Good Health,

The ARIIX Products Team
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