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Benefits Of Vitamin K: What Are They?

Benefits Of Vitamin K: What Are They?
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vitamin k for blood clotThere are many benefits of vitamin K to the body, such as affecting several parts of the body and also aiding the prevention of different illnesses. One of the important roles that vitamin K does in the body is it aids with blood clots and stops excess bleeding.  This vitamin is a fat-soluble as well. It is vital when it comes to building strong and healthy bones. It has abilities to lower the risk of heart disease and is part of bodily function and processes.

This vitamin is a group of compound, vitamins K1 and K2 are the most valuable among the group.

The vitamin K1 can be acquired in your typical vegetables and other leafy foods. In addition, this vitamin goes directly to your liver and helps in regulating a healthy blood clotting.

For vitamin K2, it is obtained from food sources such as meats, eggs and cheeses. It is made by various bacteria that line the gastrointestinal tract. It goes directly to the blood vessel walls, tissues in the body and bones.

Benefits of vitamin K

vitamin k for healthy bonesOne of the benefits of Vitamin K is that lessens the risk of the arteries hardening up. The hardening of the arteries is a common factor when it comes coronary artery disease and most notably, heart failure. Substances of this vitamin aid to keep calcium out of the linings of artery for it can cause damage otherwise.

Achieving healthy bones can be acquired through meals that are abundant in fresh, raw whole foods. Having such meals can maximize natural minerals. Vitamin K2 to be exact is one of the most important nutritional alternatives when it comes to enhancing bone density. The specific vitamin binds calcium and other essential minerals to the bones.

Having good amounts of vitamin K in the body can activate a substance which aids in binding minerals to bones for a more stronger one. With having less amounts of the vitamin, bones would not be able to stick with calcium. During such situation, it will lead the body to experience osteoporosis.

benefits of vitamin k bonesThe vitamin has been related in reducing inflammatory markers in the body. Which then would then lead to diabetes. People experiencing diabetes also has a high percentage of acquiring bone fracture. This is such due to the decrease of calcium deposited in the bone.

In studies conducted on the vitamin, having good amounts of vitamin K in the system’s body can help in slowing the growth of cancer cells. It also is correlated to treating leukemia. People with leukemia

The vitamin has been linked in helping in the treatment or lowers the risk of acquiring Alzheimer’s disease.

Those are just some of the benefits of vitamin K in the body. For some people, they consider on acquiring such vitamin in foods. While there are others who choose to acquire the vitamin through supplements.

Benefits of Vitamin K in a supplement: Optimals by Nutrifii

One of the many advantages of a supplement is that it doesn’t just give out a single vitamin and nutrient. It also aids in the function of various organs in the body. Optimals by Nutrifii is just that supplement.Optimals by Nutrifii

This supplement is divided into two products: Optimal-V and Optimal-M.

Optimal-V supports the heart, eyes, skin and lungs of the body. It does this through a comprehensive spectrum of vitamins and antioxidants.

Optimal-M supports bones, nerves and muscles through a spectrum of minerals and phytonutrients.

Getting enough calcium in your diet is essential for bone health. Since it is a given that the bones grow weaker as the person ages, the supplement is designed to keep the bone strong and healthy. It does this via a signature blend of vitamin K, C, D manganese, magnesium and calcium.

To read more of the product, click Optimals by Nutrifii.

To Maintaining Good Health,


The ARIIX Products Team
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