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Avocado: Nutrients Inside the Alligator Pear

Avocado: Nutrients Inside the Alligator Pear

Do you love ice cream, smoothies, fruit shakes or even, dips and vegetable salads? Have you tried using soaps, lotions, or natural body wash? Some of the products have avocado ingredients and others are made from avocado extracts. Do you have any idea how nutritious ‘Avocado‘ is? And, what are the health benefits of the nutrients found in this fruit? Well, let’s find out and realize the importance to including this in our diet.

Getting to know ‘Avocado’

Avocado is also called the ‘Alligator Pear‘ which is a tree that originated in the state of Puebla, South Central Mexico. There are different types of this fruit (smooth and bumpy skin). It has various shapes (pear-shaped, egg-shaped or round), and colors (green, violet and black). If most fruits are high in carbohydrates, this unique fruit is really high in fats. In fact, this fruit is well-loved and popular among figure-conscious people because of the surprising health benefits and being a superfood that promotes weight loss.

Nutrients from ‘Avocado’

Avocado has a smooth, creamy taste and is rich in ‘monounsaturated’ fats. It does not contain sodium and cholesterol. It has higher ‘potassium’ content compared to banana. Also, this amazing fruit is full of antioxidants.

Here are the vitamins and mineral nutrients which you can get from Avocado:

Vitamin K

Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin that regulates ‘blood clotting’. This nutrient may be called as ‘the forgotten vitamin’ but it is essential in building strong bones, promotes cardiovascular health and supports other bodily processes. In addition, Vitamin K is used to treat ‘leukemia’ and protects men from having ‘prostate cancer’. Also, this vitamin helps combat against nasopharynx, stomach, colon, mouth cancers.


Other name is ‘Vitamin B 9’ and is one of the essential vitamins. Folate is very important in DNA combination and repair. For pregnant women, it helps in prenatal mood management and promotes normal fetal development. This vitamin is beneficial to the elderly people because it helps reduce the risk of stroke and age-related macular degeneration. Also, it promotes normal cholesterol level, and give neurological support.


Potassium is the third most abundant mineral in the body and acts as an electrolyte essential to keep the brain, heart, kidney and muscle tissues in normal function. In fact, this element helps boost nervous system and promotes normal brain function. It maintains electrical conductivity in brain, optimal fluid balance as well as the optimal muscles and nerve function. Moreover, it regulates blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is popular for skin health and repair. Aside from that, this fat-soluble antioxidant balances the cholesterol and the hormones in the body. It combats against harmful free radicals and strengthens the immune system. Also, it helps thicken the hair and soothes pre-menstrual syndrome. Furthermore, it speeds up cell regeneration and used for the treatment of acne, scars, and wrinkles.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C, known as ‘Ascorbic Acid’ is one of the essential nutrients for the development and repair of all body tissues. It is responsible for ‘collagen’ production, immune system, wound healing, iron absorption, and preservation of bones, teeth, and cartilages. In addition, it lowers blood pressure and treats cataract, lead toxicity, and even cancer. Also, it regulates blood sugar levels in diabetic patients and reduces the risk of neurological disorders. 

Vitamin B5

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) is necessary for the treatment of asthma, allergies, hair loss, stress and anxiety, heart problems and respiratory disorders. It regulates blood sugar level and blood pressure. Also, it helps the liver in metabolizing toxic substances and increase hemoglobin level. In addition, it strengthens the immune system and helps improve stamina.

Vitamin B6

The other name of this vitamin is ‘Pyridoxamine’ which works well with countless enzymatic systems in the body important for the proper function of the nervous system, boosting the immunity and relieves pain like ‘arthritis’. Also, this vitamin has great capability for metabolizing nutrients to draw out energy. Aside from that, Vitamin B6 treats emotional disorders and controls hormone in the body.

Of course, avocado contains smaller amount of Vitamin A, Vitamin B1 (Thiamine), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Zinc, Iron, Copper, Mangenese, Magnesium and Phosphorus.

The Optimum Vitamin Supplement for Total Wellness

Fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy products contain various vitamins and minerals but have not reached the RDA level to provide sufficient nutrients to the body. More importantly is the prevention of serious diseases. Modern science is helping the humanity to achieve total wellness.

Finally, ARIIX, the global leader in health and wellness industry created a dietary supplement to ensure sufficient nutrients in the body despite the oxidative stress and harmful free radicals that threaten the health every day. From the NUTRIFII line of products comes OPTIMAL-V.

OPTIMAL-V is an extraordinary dietary supplement contains 17 vitamins, nutrients, and other naturally beneficial ingredients to meet the body’s daily needs.

Get the optimum level of nutrients. Choose OPTIMAL-V.

To read more about the product, click OPTIMAL-V.

To Maintaining Good Health,

The ARIIX Products Team
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