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Ariix Puritii Cleanse Basic Necessities of Humans – the Air and Water

air purification system

The health and wellness industry has been flooded with dozens of companies and products that all claim to give the most effective results.

There are some companies that are found to provide effective products yet very expensive that not anyone can afford while there are also those who offer inexpensive products but cannot provide the results that consumers expect. Either way, it is the consumers who are the loser.

But it’s a good thing there is one company that offers very effective products at inexpensive prices.

ARIIX, the world leader in the health and wellness industry, has a line of products that every consumer can use – rich and poor, young and old.

ARIIX Puritii’s Most Saleable Products

ARIIX is the proud manufacturer and distributor of Nutrifii, Slenderiiz, Puritii, Reviive, Priime and Jouve.

In particular, Ariix Puritii is one of the most saleable products of the company because it cleans two of the most basic necessities that humans need for survival – air and water.

You can rely on ARIIX Puritii to remove toxins and pathogens in the air you breathe and the water you drink, keeping your home and family safe.

Global warming and rapid industrialization have contributed much to air pollution. Even inside our homes, we are not spared from air pollutants since indoor air contains the same contaminants as outdoor air but can be composed of more allergens, pathogens and toxins than even a smoggy day outside. To be safe, we need to do something to keep the air inside our homes clean. And Ariix Puritii can help you on this aspect.

Ariix Puritii portable air purification system works to keep the air circulating inside your home or office clean and free from pollutants. It boasts of 11-stage air purification system that removes 99.99% of particulates 2.5 microns in size, microbes and dangerous gases.

ARIIX Puritii has 11-step purification process

Puritii is the only purification system available in the market today that has an intensive 11-step purification process. It removes all three pollutant categories with over 99% efficiency that include particulates, pollen, dust and dust mite residue, pet dander and other particulates; volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from smoke, odors, exhausts, fumes and chemicals; and airborne bacteria, mold, fungi and viruses.

In the pre-filter stages (steps 1 to 3), Puritii captures larger particles like dust and lint, known as the most common causes of allergies, lung issues and other health problems, while in the main filter (stages 4 to 10), up to 99.99% of bacteria, viruses and mold are filtered through a blend of minerals.

In stage 11, which is the final stage, an ionizing needle charges the air with negative ions and eliminate offensive odors.

Meanwhile, ARIIX Puritii portable water filter uses triple filtration technology that remove 99.99% of bacteria, viruses, protozoa and parasites, allowing for clean and accessible water from any source.

Nothing is more safer and cleaner than ARIIX Puritii.

ARIIX’s Puritii protects you from air and water pollutants that directly impact your health everyday. Click Here to take a closer look at Puritii.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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