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Magnesium Rich Foods Lists And Benefits

Magnesium Rich Foods Lists

Magnesium in the body

Magnesium rich foods is accessible to everyone in the market or any grocery store. Such foods can be part in our every day meals. This is important so we get the enough magnesium intakes each day. The mineral can also be acquired through dietary supplement.

The mineral is part of multiple systems that maintains diverse biochemical processes in the body. The processes include protein synthesis, regulation of blood pressure. It is also part of the muscle and nerve function. The mineral is a vital component when it comes to energy production and glycosis.

Magnesium is also known for having an active role in the transportation of calcium and potassium ions across the cell membranes. That process is very important. It relates to nerve impulse conduction, regulating the heart’s rhythm and muscle contraction.

The overall composition of magnesium in the body is allocated mostly to the bones and other soft tissues. A very small percentage is distributed in the blood serum.

With magnesium being a co-factor in more than 300 enzyme systems that regulate biochemical processes, it is only important to acquire such mineral from good sources.

Magnesium rich foods

A great example of magnesium rich foods are dark leafy green foods which fall into the category of superfoods. Superfoods are packed with minerals, nutrients and vitamins in them. They greatly help the functions in the body and supports the immune system. They also aid in fighting off bacteria and diseases. Cooked baby spinach, kale, collard greens are a good source of the mineral plus you only get low calories from them.

Fish is a great source of the mineral. It comes along with great sources of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids as well. Salmon, mackerel, tuna and halibut brings a good amount of magnesium to your meals. Partnering fish with other foods can be easy since it goes well with them.

Nuts and seeds are also examples of magnesium rich foods. They pack a lot of this mineral. They are also considered as superfoods as well. These tiny foods can bring 100% of required magnesium to the body. Almonds, sunflower seeds, cashews, pecans and flaxseed have a good amount of magnesium.

Avocado, aside from having the mineral, has multivitamins in them. It has components that support the heart. This food is a nutritious and effective one when it comes to the various functions in the body.

Soybeans contain high amounts of fiber, minerals, vitamins and amino acids. Eating such foods won’t just add up your magnesium level. It can make the person feel fuller when eating. This is such due to its high fiber content that can give a more full feeling faster.

Bananas are commonly known to treat muscle aches. This is due to its potassium content. The food also supports a healthy heart and gives strength to the bones. It comes along with vitamin C and fiber as well.

You might have been getting a good source of magnesium through dark chocolate. It gives around 20-25% of the daily magnesium needed for the body. It comes with a good number of calories as well. In this sweet, it also contains antioxidants. These greatly help in regulating blood pressure, maintain a good blood flow and boost to the overall health of the person.

Magnesium filled supplement

As some people would like to have their magnesium through those foods above, others would like to get it from a dietary supplement.

Magnical-D by Nutrifii is a supplement that mainly supports the bones and the muscles. It does this via a perfect blend of calcium, magnesium and vitamin D.

Not only does it give the highest quality of calcium to the body, the supplement has the most bioavailable form of magnesium. It comes with various nutrients as well to help with the different functions in the body.

To read and know more of the product, click Magnical-D by Nutrifii.

To Maintaining Good Health,
The ARIIX Products Team

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