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What causes wrinkles to appear as we grow older?

What causes wrinkles to appear as we grow older?

Why do we get wrinkles?

Wrinkles are creases, lines, or folds in the skin. Wrinkles are mostly associated with aging. As we grow older, the cells of our skin become thinner and lose their elasticity because of the decrease in collagen production in our body. Research shows that after a person reaches the age of 20, he or she produces one percent less collagen in the skin every year. The result? The skin becomes thinner and fragile as we grow old, causing the wrinkles to appear as we get older.

What causes fine lines?

The decrease in production of sweat and natural oils causes the skin to dry up and make it appear more wrinkled. Aside from this, production of elastin becomes lesser as we grow old. And, as we age, the fat in the deep layers of our skin gradually disappears. This will cause the skin to be loose and saggy, and lines and crevices are more noticeable. As we grow older, the repair and renewal of the skin are slower because skin cells divide more slowly.

And who knew that facial expressions can also cause these fine lines? Repeated facial expressions and movements such as squinting and smiling may lead to fine lines, even at a younger age. Every time you use a facial muscle, a line forms underneath the surface of the skin. When a person is young, the skin can spring back. But as we get older, the skin loses its flexibility and elasticity, and will no longer spring back in place. These lines will then become permanent features on your face.

Other factors that can cause wrinkles

Most wrinkles are visible in the face. They also appear in the parts of the body that are most exposed to the sun, that includes the face and neck, back of the hands,

and the arms. Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light, through sun exposure, can also increase the chance of developing wrinkles. The UV light breaks down collagen and elastin fibers that form the skin’s connective tissues. These tissues are located underneath the surface of the skin. Breaking down this layer can cause the skin to be less flexible, causing the skin to droop, thus wrinkles will develop and appear.

There are also other factors that can also contribute to the appearance of wrinkles in our skin. Regular smoking speeds up the aging process of the skin because of the reduced supply of blood to the skin. This can cause dryness thus may lead or result to wrinkles. Drinking too much alcohol can cause dehydration. Alcohol can dehydrate the skin which makes the skin dry, making it more prone to wrinkles.

Free radicals in the skin may also cause wrinkles. These are unstable oxygen molecules that lack an electron. These molecules can also contribute to the rapid breakdown of collagen in the skin. But how do free radicals get to our skin? This happens when we are exposed too much to UV light. Smoking can also cause free radicals to reach our skin.

Getting wrinkles happens naturally. It may start to appear at an early age because of certain factors. It’s something that we cannot stop from having. It is part of the aging process in the elderly. There are a lot of ways to manage and prevent wrinkles but I’m pretty sure it can be costly. The good thing is, there is now a cheaper and effective way of keeping our skin healthy and young-looking.

The Best Skin Care Serum to fight wrinkles caused by aging 

Finally, we established a skin care regimen that will help minimize wrinkles and radiates into a youthful glow, the best deep wrinkle cream. But, have you heard of an anti-aging serum that will miraculously make your skin younger in just 90-minutes of application?

ARIIX, the global leader in health and wellness industry formulated a facial serum that visibly firms, lifts, minimizes and restores your youthful radiance. The answer for your anti-aging skin care need is JOUVE Instant Tightening and Restoring Serum.

JOUVE Instant Tightening and Restoring Serum is a revolutionary advancement in modern science for anti-aging. It can reduce fine lines and wrinkles in minutes. A great miracle in a tube with natural ingredients that nourishes your skin. If you want wrinkle treatments that work, this is the right product for you.

To read more about the product, click JOUVE Instant Tightening and Restoring Serum.

To Maintaining Good Health,

The ARIIX Products Team
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